Cyber Nations Wiki
Merge sign Merge notice
This alliance merged to become part of the Coalition of Legendary Defence.

Merger occurred on/around March 24, 2007
This alliance has disbanded
This alliance has disbanded.
Veni Vidi Vici Coalition

Official Flag of the VVVC

Team Color White
Official Charter Charter of the Veni Vidi Vici Coalition
Forum Link
Founders Charon and Syrik
Current Praetors
 - March 2007
Current Senate
 - March 2007
  • Legati: Archron
  • Magistrate: Scerpi.
  • Censor: None elected at this time.
  • Quaestor: None elected at this time.
International Relations
  • Mutual Defence Pacts with UCLN

Merger Announcement[]

Official Statement
May it be known that on this day the Veni Vidi Vici Coalition (VVVC) will no longer be a standing alliance. we are proud to announce the merging of the Veni Vidi Vici Coalition (VVVC) and the Coalition of Legendary Defense (COLD) to form the new and improved Coalition of Legendary Defense (COLD). All members of the VVVC will be switching their Alliance Affiliation to COLD. We look forward to all our new friends at COLD and all our new friends along the way. We currently have no MDP's as our only MDP with UCLN was null when they merged with EoTS.

Please note that unlike the previous merger seen on Planet Bob, this is not because the VVVC structure fell apart. We merely wanted a larger active member base, and so instead of recruiting single players, we recruited our friends at COLD (or the other way around...whatever) we liked the COLD name so much that we will be keeping that name.

COLD forums
VVVC forums:

Signed for the Veni Vidi Vici Coalition:
Venhith- Praetor
Syrik- Praetor
Charon- Praetor
Shiftee- Praetor
Oba- Praetor

Signed for the Coalition of Legendary Defence:
TimLee- Founder
The Big Bad- Founder
The Dark Apocaplse- Founder

The new COLD Government will have 5 high council members consisting of:
The Big Bad
The Dark Apocaplse

Syrik and venhith will serve on the high council for Coalition of Legendary Defence
