Cyber Nations Wiki
Operation Slap Chop (VE)
Date August 13 — August 19, 2009
Casus belli VE protects NPO from GDI raids after which RyanGDI orders GDI attacks on the VE
Result VE issues white peace to GDI apart from Ryan, RyanGDI, Technician1578, and I await; GDI and FAIL disband
Preceded by
Not Approved By The FDA
Succeeded by
Viridian Entente
Global Defense Initiative
Federated Allied Independence League

VEflag Cornelius
VEflag Impero

GDI regular flag Ryan_GDI
Failmark4 Rebel Virginia

The VE-GDI War (dubbed Operation Slap Chop by the Virdian Entente) was a conflict between the Virdian Entente and the reformed Global Defense Initiative. The war started on August 13 due to a GDI member attacking the New Pacific Order, which was still under peace terms due to the Karma War, as well as several other GDI members defending him and the unwillingness of GDI's leader, RyanGDI, to pay any reparations. The war lasted until August 19, 2009 when the Viridian Entente gave white peace to GDI, with an exception to its leader and two other members. That day the GDI was also disbanded by its leader, RyanGDI, who moved on to form a new alliance out of its remnants known as Task Force Alpha. Later that day, however, a member of the GDI announced he would revive the GDI as the Global Defense Initiative.

Time line of events[]

7/29/2009 6:57:43 AM

Hummer195, a GDI member, attacks Tony_Gunz, an NPO member.

8/12/2009 1:51:19 PM

Hummer195 gets counterattacked by JayhawkColin, a member of the VE, since the VE has vowed to protect the NPO for the duration of the surrender terms.

During negotiations

RyanGDI demands Hummer195 gets peace from the VE. Impero (MOD of the VE) demands that Hummer195 pays reps or be released from GDI's protection.

8/13/2009 1:23:31 AM

Technician1578, of the GDI, attacks JayhawkColin in defence of Hummer195

Further negotiations

Impero once again demands reps, and RyanGDI doesnt want to accept it.

8/13/2009 11:32 PM

Viridian Entente declares war on the GDI for refusing punishment.

8/14/2009 1:27 AM

FAIL declares war on VE in defense of GDI.

8/14/2009 11:15 AM

Solitude (a one man alliance) declares war on VE in support of FAIL.

8/15/2009 12:29 PM

Solitude presents individual surrender terms to VE.

8/15/2009 11:18 PM

\m/ (a one man alliance) declares war on VE in support of Solitude and FAIL.

8/16/2009 06:49 PM

Rebel Virginia announces the end of FAIL


See also[]

 v · d · e 
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