Hello wiki contributors of the Cyber Nations Wiki. Everywhere we go, we see nation pages...fabulous. Unfortunately, many are stubs and never ever expanded by anyone! This wiki is plagued with it...only a few stand that sometimes make the reader feel either relieved from the "plague of boredom" or being bored from the information overload. We are in need for better, longer, and certainly more entertaining nation articles. Großgermania, Disparu, Grand Besaid, Uralica, United States of JBR, Bobogoobo, and a few others are fine examples. Can YOU make your nation page the hub of RP? And not only the nation page, you need to do more than just that. Create pages RELATED to your nation and yes, they too must be as awesome as your nation page. I am serious. SERIOUS. Can YOU become the star? The star of RP'ing. And current "stars". I challenge you to become a serious roleplayer in other people's nations. YOU should come and make pages related to mine (United States of JBR). Yes, to truly be a Cyber Nations, we must be united in a way we know each other's people and they know ours. So let us unite, and roleplay...except, please don't spend every moment of your life. You know its pixels. Just excel without obsession. Don't. ;)