Cyber Nations Wiki
Official Flag of Unpronounced

National Flag
Capital City Logic
Established 9/16/2009
(5,470 days old)
Government Type Democracy Democracy
Ruler Unpronounced
Alliance Mostly Harmless Alliance
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Aqua Aqua
Native Resources Cattle Coal
Connected Resources Aluminum Cattle Coal Iron Lumber Marble Pigs Spices Sugar Uranium Water Wheat
Bonus Resources Steel Beer Fastfood Construction

Unpronounced - founder and ruler of Atheist Nation - Planet's Bob safe-haven for Atheists; free from delusions. His government is currently heavily involved in stem cell research and cloning. Creationism is not taught at school.

Long-time contributor in Ministry of Hitchhikers awarded with MoH Award of Excellence. Secretary of hunting, deputy minister, and currently Minister of Hitchhikers (2010), still doesn't cut back on his more mundane jobs, and is one of leading Hunters and Interviewers. Keen poster, with 1875 posts (13 may 2010) - but 2/3 of those outside of Spam section. Member of Cable77's Special Operations Group formed near the end of TOP-C&G War.
