Cyber Nations Wiki
USN - NNK Protectorate Agreement

Nutty North Koreans
United Sovereign Nations

Treaty Type: Protectorate
Treaty Signed: 13 April 2010
Treaty Cancelled: 28 December 2010
Treaty Status: Cancelled

USN – NNK Protectorate Agreement.[]


USN likes NNK and we'll help them grow.


As of the ratification of this document the Nutty North Koreans alliance is afforded full protection from aggression by the United Sovereign Nations. The USN shall bring the full support of her diplomacy, economics, and military to bear upon those that aggressively attack NNK. An attack upon NNK shall be considered an attack upon the USN. Should USN be attacked, any request for aid shall be considered by the appropriate NNK governing bodies, but they are under no obligation to become involved.


NNK agrees to take no aggressive military action without the consent on USN during the period of this agreement. USN agrees to never request military support from NNK in the case of aggressive action.


NNK agrees to sign no new mandatory defence/Aggression pact without the consent of USN.


This treaty shall remain in place until one of several conditions are met. The first and foremost goal is to allow time NNK to grow. Should NNK attain a membership of 50 nations & 350,000 nation strength, then that goal shall have been achieved, and this pact shall become null. Should NNK become the aggressor in a conflict without the agreement of USN first, then this treaty shall become null. Should NNK be involved in any other aggressive actions (including but not limited to spying and similar activities), this treaty is to be declared null upon the ruling of the USN government. This treaty may be cancelled by either party following a 48 hour grace period starting with the notification of the other party. This treaty will revert to a NAP upon the conclusion of the grace period for a further 72 hours


Signed For USN
Admin Council

  • Cora
  • Beale947
  • Vladisvok Destino

High Council

  • Security General: Borimir Resurrected
  • Minster of Recruitment: rylejed
  • Minister of Internal Affairs: ninia22
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gofast2006
  • Minister of Economics: Dexomega

Heads of State:

  • Kim Jong-Il Justin Bieber

Head of NNK:

  • Dear Leader Chief Buttscratcher (IA): Gorchin
  • Dear Leader Chief Nutscratcher (FA): Vesta


  • Dear Leader Dietitian (MoE): Sarikitty
  • Dear Leader Personal Trainer (MoD):
  • Teh Squishy Dear Leader Translator (MoFA): Pikachujc / Pimpleman
  • Dear Leader Official Piss-On (MoIA): Britwarlord