Treaty of the Nine Worlds |
The Treaty of the Nine Worlds is a protectorate agreement between the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations and Through Yggdrasil's Roots. The agreement, along with TYR's declaration of existence was announced on November 2, 2008.
In order to secure the growth of Through Yggdrasil’s Root (henceforth known as TYR), keep the dolls on their designated shelves, make sure the kids brush their teeth, watch the Abatwa ride their ants, and hope that one day, I can grow to be as tall as you, the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations (henceforth known as CSN) and TYR hereby set forth the following agreement.
Article I[]
Members of TYR and CSN will be respectful to one another, be it behind closed bedroom doors, Planet Bob forum, CSN and TYR forum, or via any other form of communications. Should any issue arise from this, the leaders of both alliances will go to the crime scene and super glue the usual “Oppsie, Do Not Cross” ribbon around the area. Then they will go back to the TYR-CSN Clubhouse for some apple juice or smirn-off and settle down the problems.
Article II[]
Should TYR be attacked directly, CSN will come to the defense of their protectorate – provided that TYR dances for it. If CSN ever wants TYR’s service, they may do so by requesting.
Article III[]
Members of TYR and CSN are not allowed to perform any form of espionage on the other. Seriously, you want to see my manhood? Just ask! Don’t be peeking. Should any issue arise regarding this, proper punishments will be discussed and enacted, possibly canceling this treaty.
Article IV[]
If TYR is interested in treaties with other alliances, they agree to consult with CSN before going a step further so that leaders of both alliances are on the same monkey’s back. We don’t want to be losing each other now! The monkeys are fast and wild! And falling from their backs will not end well for either one of the alliances.
Article V[]
TYR will vote for CSN's Maroon Senate candidate.
Article VI[]
This treaty will last for as long as TYR wants to ride on CSN’s back or when CSN is starting to become a hunchback. A forty eight hour notice must to given to the other alliance prior to the cancellation.
Signed for the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations[]
- The Black Watch, Head of State
- SpacingOutMan, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Goose, Minister of Interior
Signed for Through Yggdrasil’s Roots[]
- Lord Vachon, Triumvir
- Albert J Hookman, Triumvir
- Lylia Kinkaydia Rose, Triumvir
- foreignboy, Councilor of External Affairs