Cyber Nations Wiki

Torac Defense Militia training exercise

The Torac Defence Militia is name of the armed forces of Psamdaclan-Torachea. Horatio Longworth is the sole commander of the TDM.

The Torac Defense Militia(TDM) has 3 departments: Department of Ground Assaults(DGA), the Air Corps(TAC), and The Department of Naval Engagements(DNE). The DNE has lasted the shortest of the 3 and saw very limited deployment. The department was dismissed by Longworth 3 weeks into the Karma war. The DGA has seen action in all of Torachea's wars. The Air Corps has been the most effective of all the three Departments. In virtually every single war, the TAC has established air superiority. The TAC saw a forced dismissal to comply with Karma surrender terms, but was reopened in May of 2010.

The Torac Defence Militia is name of the armed forces of Psamdaclan-Torachea. Horatio Longworth is the sole commander of the TDM.


The current (9/23/10) size of the TDM is.

    • ~25,004 soldiers (peacetime level)
  • 23,000 Ground Troops
  • 550 Fighter pilots and air crew
  • 1245 Naval Operators
  • 202 Logistical Technicians
  • 6 officers
  • 1 Commander
    • 150 tanks (peacetime level)
    • 80 Class 9 Fighter plains (peacetime level)
    • 0 Ships (DNE has yet to be restructured)
    • 20 Nuclear Weapons (maintained by highest ranking logistical technicians) The mobile hand-held nuclear activator device (MEHNAD) is always within proximity of Horatio Longworth, who is the only one with the nuclear activation codes..

Torac Defense Militia soldier in training
