The Tattler was a news publication created by Electron Sponge of Vox Populi to display stories about information retrieved by Vox Populi spies. Ten issues were released throughout the first half of 2009.
The Lycaeum Goes Live, Many Tears Of Woe Shed[]
- Friday, January 30, 2009
Electron Sponge in conjunction with has announced The Lycaeum, a storehouse of forbidden knowledge. Although the main offerings right now are Cyber Nations alliance guides, The Lycaeum hopes to provide other postings of material previously unavailable to the Cyber Nations world.
The Lycaeum came about after a thread on the Open World Forum where people were asked to send their alliance guides to In the first few hours the thread was up, several dozen alliance guides were received and more are coming in every day. The thread was later removed due to moderator fears of a backlash over supposed author’s rights or copyright issues. The Lycaeum rejects the assertion of copyright on internet forum postings as laughable and encourages those “following that ridiculous course to waste their money hiring attorneys to take something back that they never lost”. Sponge further challenged the people making the complaints to “fight him like a man” and to “stop stealing all [his] beans”. The alliances who originally possessed the guides in question were unavailable for comment due to a previous commitment. In a related story, several alliance leaders were seen shaking their fists wildly and threatening Electron Sponge with grievous bodily harm. Whether any of them succeeded in harming Cyber Nation’s most handsome man is unknown at this time.
Bastion - Hope for the future or dead-on-arrival?[]
- Monday, February 9, 2009
Operation KILLDOZER part 1–Truth And Reconciliation[]
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009
See The Tattler/Operation KILLDOZER
Operation KILLDOZER part 2–Action and Reaction[]
- Wednesday, February 28, 2009
See The Tattler/Operation KILLDOZER#Operation KILLDOZER part 2–Action and Reaction
Operation KILLDOZER part 3–Signs and Portents[]
- Friday, March 6, 2009
See The Tattler/Operation KILLDOZER#Operation KILLDOZER part 3–Signs and Portents
- Friday, March 27, 2009
The Song Remains The Same[]
- Monday, March 31, 2009 (later removed)
See The Tattler/The Song Remains The Same
Sound And Fury[]
- Sunday, April 19, 2009
See The Tattler/Sound And Fury
Slouching Toward Francograd[]
- Friday, May 8, 2009
See The Tattler/Slouching Toward Francograd
Other Works[]
TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits[]
- Tuesday, March 24, 2009
See This Week in Pacifica - TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits