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The 1st Mexicasian
Official Flag of The 1st Mexicasian

of The 1st Mexicasian
National Anthem
I will not bow
Location of The 1st Mexicasian
Capital City Santiago de Queretaro
Official Language(s) English (American)
Demonym The Mexicasiers
Established 06/03/2013
(4,276 days old)
Government Type Democracy Democracy
Ruler Steveruler2
Alliance None
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Blue (since 6/03/13) Blue
Statistics as of 6/03/13
Total population 496 Spanish Supporters
 496 Working Citizens civilians
 200 soldiers
Literacy Rate 52.10%
Religion Mixed Mixed
Total casualties 0
 0 attacking
 0 defending
Casualty Rank 8,297 of 5,242 (158.28%)
Currency Dollar Dollar
Infrastructure 61.00
Technology 0.00
Nation Strength 217.000
Nation Rank 10,194 of 5,242 (194.47%)
Efficiency 0
Total Area 24.047 Nation Map
Environment Invalid Environment value
War/Peace War is an option for The 1st Mexicasian since 06/03/13. Currently at peace
Nuclear Weapons No nuke No nukes
Native Resources Rubber Sugar
Connected Resources

Info in Cybernations[]

The 1st Mexicasian is a tiny, under developed, and new nation at 0 days old with citizens primarily of Spanish ethnicity who follow mixed religions. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens pay high taxes and constantly express grievances about their government and work environments. The citizens of The 1st Mexicasian work diligently to produce Rubber and Sugar as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. When it comes to nuclear weapons The 1st Mexicasian has no definite position and is therefore considered opposed to them. The 1st Mexicasian has no definite position on drug use in the country at this time. The 1st Mexicasian has no definite position on domestic issues concerning government protests in the country at this time. It has no definite position on new immigration. The 1st Mexicasian has no definite position on free speech. The 1st Mexicasian has no definite foreign aid at this time. The 1st Mexicasian has no definite position on trade relations.


I will rule my nation and make my citizens very happy

A link to My Nation:


History of Mexicasian Republic

Famous Military Leaders[]

1.Saint James

2.Roberto Gonzalez

3.Venisto Garcia

4.Pancho Reyes

5.Clavio Alvarez

6.Emiliano Ruiz

7.Ernesto Gomez

8.Theodore Bowers

I Will Not Bow[]


Now the dark begins to rise Save your breath, it's far from over Leave the lost and dead behind Now's your chance to run for cover

I don't wanna change the world I just wanna leave it colder Light the fuse and burn it up Take the path that leads to nowhere

All is lost again But I'm not giving in

I will not bow I will not break I will shut the world away I will not fall I will not fade I will take your breath away


Watch the end through dying eyes Now the dark is taking over Show me where forever dies Take the fall and run to Heaven

All is lost again But I'm not giving in

I will not bow I will not break I will shut the world away I will not fall I will not fade I will take your breath away

And I'll survive, paranoid I have lost the will to change And I'm not proud, cold-blooded fate I will shut the world away

I will not bow I will not break I will shut the world away I will not fall I will not fade I will take your breath away

And I'll survive; paranoid I have lost the will to change And I'm not proud, cold-blooded fate I will shut the world away


The War of 1531 1531-1580

The War of The Centrals 1732-1756

The Mexican-American War 1909-1950


The Mexican Landers (Land)

The Mexican Navy (Sea)

The Mexican Air Forces (Air)

Political Party's[]

The Mexican Workers Party(No Longer Exists)

The Mexican Independence Party(Second Main Party)

The Mexican Socialist Party(In Power)

Cities In The Mexicasian Republic[]

Mexico City (Old Capital) (The Mexican Capital District)

Santiago de Queretaro (New and Present Capital) (The Mexican Capital District)

Delicias (City in North Mexico) (Capital of North Mexico)

Merida (South Mexico) (Capital of South Mexico)

Chihuahua (Chihuahua) (Capital of Chihuahua)

La Paz (The Mexican Peninsula) (Capital of The Mexican Peninsula)

President Zachary Bowers[]

Zachary Bowers is the first and current president of Mexicasian Republic. He is in the Mexican Liberal Party. He is currently living in Mexico City. He has a son named Theodore Bowers who is currently the head of the government.His wife Britney Bowers is living in Mexico City with Zachary Bowers.


Vice President David Tayler[]

David Tayler is the first and current vice president of Mexicasian Republic.He is in the same party as Zachary Bowers. He is living in the Mexican White House in Mexico City.


Wife of Zachary Bowers, Britney Bowers[]

Britney Bowers is the first lady and is currently living in the Mexican White House, Mexico City. She lives with Zachary Bowers(The Father) and Theodore Bowers(The Son).

Britney Bowers as shown below


Conflict with a Viridian Entente member[]

Me and my friend which had to start cybernations all over because of a certain fella named England 932 AD. Me and my friend had wanted to join the Viridian Entente so we contacted another member whos name i forgot. H e told me and my friend i could join but we had to make an application at the virdian Entente website. So we did and a bout a week later England 932 AD said me and my friend where ghosts. At first i didn't know what a ghost was in cybernations so i looked it up. A member who is an alliance but did not ask permission or register on the alliances website. So i then told him we were not ghosts but he diddnt belive us. He then sent both me and my friend to anarchy. We both started another new nation and that's all.

Allys of Mexicasian Republic[]

Hispanic Peak Pacific America Reghar73

Other Pages[]

Zachary Bowers(President) David Tayler(Vice President)
