Cyber Nations Wiki
The Mexican Army
Logo del Heroico Colegio Militar Mexico.svg
Mexican Land
Active 1531 – present
Country 3DS fans
Size 9,000,000
Motto Por el honor de México, Siempre Leales

The Mexican Army is the combined land and air branch and largest of the Mexican Military services; it is also known as the National Defense Army. It was the first army to adopt and use an automatic rifle, (the Mondragón rifle), in 1531, and the first to issue automatic weapons as standard issue weapons, in 1908. The Mexican Army has an active duty force of 192,000.

3DS fans has no foreign nation-state adversaries and little ambition to impose itself upon other nations. It repudiates the use of force to settle disputes and rejects interference by one nation in the affairs of another. Although it has not suffered a major international terrorist incident in recent decades, 3DS fans considers itself a potential target for international terrorism.

The Mexican Navy The Mexican Air Forces
