Cyber Nations Wiki

UPN-Element MDP (For those wondering Iodine is an element which means Purple in greek cool.gif)

Preamble By signing this document, all the signatory alliances agree to the articles stated below and enter into this agreement with full knowledge of its contents.

Article I - Article of Non-Aggression Section 1) Neither alliance shall engage in hostile actions upon the other. Section 2) Neither alliance shall offer aid (financial or informative) to an enemy of the other.

Article II - Article of Mutual Defense If a signatory of this treaty finds itself under the attack of a 3rd alliance, the other signatory is required to defend the alliance under attack, by mounting a counter-attack as soon as possible.

Article III- Intelligence & Communication Section 1) The signatories to this treaty agree not to conduct espionage on one another. Section 2) Should the signatory alliances discover any intelligence that would expose a plot by a party hostile to either signatory, then it is their duty to hand over such evidence to ensure the peace and prosperity of the signatories.

Article IV - Optional Aggression The signatory alliances in this document agree that if the other signatory alliance starts an aggressive war with a 3rd party, its encouraged but optional to help them with the aggressive war.

Article VI – Precedence The signatory alliances in this document agree that this document takes precedent over any NAPs, PIATs, PALs, or any other treaty not requiring mutual defense of the signatory alliances.

Article VI - Article of Withdrawal Section 1) 72 hours of notice must be given to the other alliance before this MDP is dissolved.

Signatures- The signatures below immediately enter this document as alliance law and materialize the good relations that exists between the alliances that have signed below. Once entered into law, it shall remain there until it is dissolved through the process detailed in Article VI.

United Purple Nations: Altheus - Founder of the UPN Hansarius - Minister of Foreign Affairs Samotopia - Minister of Communications Queen Elizabeth X - Minister of Recruitment Magister Agricolarum - Minister of Defense

Element: Danizduhman, Triumvir Coolgreen44, Triumvir Ryan Reyes, Triumvir

Caesar833, Internal Minister FFfanaticx, Director of Finance Rickjames, Director of Defense
