Cyber Nations Wiki
The Hunt for Red October
Date October 13, 2021 - July 20, 2022
Casus belli Friends of DOOM's campaign against RED ALERT
Result Friends of DOOM military victory
Preceded by
Boognish Civil War
Succeeded by
GPA Raid Wars
Linked and Sub-Conflicts
Mind your own business, commies! & The Continuation War

Flag of Doom Sphere Friends of DOOM

Doom wolves Doom Wolves

Doom Squad Doom Squad

Flag of The Dark Templar Dark Templar

Flag of Doombird Doomcave DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE

Military Aid


Red alert flag star edit RED ALERT

UCRFlag Union of Communist Republics

Flag of the Libertarian Socialist Federation Libertarian Socialist Federation

ICSN flag Socialist Workers Front

Placeholder Flag United Socialist Nations

  • Al Bundy
  • Lord Hershey
  • Terrence Krillins
  • Starcraftmazter
  • Tevron
  • mrmarx
  • Pile Butts
  • Starschwar
  • shwampy
  • Lev Trotsky

The Hunt for Red October was a series of wars that was fought between the Friends of DOOM and RED ALERT. The wars started on 10/13/2021 and ended on 07/20/2022. The wars started when Al Bundy of Doom Wolves raided 5 unaligned nations. Those nations allegedly requested the aid of the Union of Communist Republics, which sparked the war.


The Hunt for Red October
Conflict Opponents Outcome
Mind Your Own Business, Commies! Union of Communist Republics Doom Military Victory
Continuation War Red Alert Doom Military Victory