The Avengers was the the War coalition led by The Order of the Paradox and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations during the Grudge War. The coalition consisted of 67 alliances by the end of the war.
It composed of Duckroll Project, AZTEC, Poseidon, Blood For Friends (bloc), Pillow Fort, Mjolnir, Complaints and Grievances Union, Doom House and members of the Pandora's Box.
Their main opposition consisted of the Super Friends (DC book team of heroes), which helped lead the coalition to dub themselves as The Avengers (Marvel team of heroes). The name also derived from IRON and TOP's desire for revenge against the New Polar Order who infamously betrayed them during the Bipolar War.
Member alliances[]
- AOD Brigade
- Independent Republic of Orange Nations
- The Order of Righteous Nations
- Colossus
- The Grand Lodge of Freemasons
- Boards Alliance of Protectorate States
- Olympus
- Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics
- Europa
- Wolfpack
- Nusantara Elite Warriors
- The Order of the Paradox
- Basketball Ninjas
- The Grämlins
- Argent
- Ordinary Men Fighting Giants
- Valhalla
- Nordreich
- Asgaard
- Ragnarok
- The Dark Templar
- Mushroom Kingdom
- Umbrella
- Orange Defense Network
- Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
- The International
- The Last Remnants
- Death Before Dishonor
- World Freedom Federation
- The Resistance
- The Peoples Community
- State of Nirvana
- League of Small Superpowers
- The Shadow Accord
- Non Grata
- Viridian Entente
- East India Company
- We Are Perth Army
- The Sweet Oblivion
- Paragon
- Nebula-X
- New Pacific Order
- The Phoenix Federation
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Team Rocket
- The Imperial Order
- Ordo Paradoxia
- URoN
- Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism
- Libertarian Socialist Federation
- Sandwich Confederation
- Alchemy
- Hooligans
- The Prolific Empire
- Regnum Invictorum
- Legacy
- North American Confederacy
- United Equestria
- The Foreign Division
- T5E
- The German Empire
- First Tactical Corps
- Deck of International Card Experts
- Open Source Alliance
- Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism
See also[]
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