this article contains wrong information:
Zitat: "Green Solidarity was bloc of alliances formed on the Green Team when it became clear that the Green Civil War was eminent. The treaty was signed mere hours before the war began. When the attack commenced, no Green Solidarity alliances observed the treaty and came to the defense of the Viridian Entente. After the alliances were defeated in that war the short-lived bloc ceased to exist.
It is worth noting that no alliance actually cancelled the treaty, except the Viridian Entente via disbandment."
in fact, this treaty never was intented to be a BLOC, nor did the undersigning alliances abandon each other. The VE contacted the other signatories prior to its disbandment and explicitly asked them to refrain from taking any action. They disbanded to prevend a slaughter among the Green Team alliances. After that, the NTO followed the GGAs Ultimatum voluntary. Neither Argo nor Grämlins was involved in any fights, nor were they defeated.