Cyber Nations Wiki

General Overview[]

The Staatsrat (Council of State) is the first part of the Soviet Triumvirate of the DDR. It is occupied by the Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands (General-Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany). The General-Secretary always will be the Chairman of the Council of State, which other spots are made up by party leadership of the SED.

Government Power[]

The Staatsrat has authority in pressing diplomatic and internal matters. While all positions inside the Staatsrat but the General-Secretary are advisory positions the power is given through the General-Secretary. Of each adviser, all hold high ranks in numerous departments and knowledgeable areas of the DDR. The SED is the organization that advisers and the General-Secretary are chosen from, after being approved by the Volkskaammer.
