Cyber Nations Wiki

Launch of the Jerna-class rocket carrying the People's Star satellite, the first satellite launched by the Republic of Jerna on April 5th, 2014 (Then the Barony of Arrnea).

The Space Programme of the Republic of Jerna began in earnest, in February of 2013, just one month after the first true government took power. It took the Jerna Rocketry Lab one year after that to perfect the design of the Jerna-class rocket that would propel the satellites of the Republic of Jerna into orbit around Planet Bob. As of May 12, 2014, there are five satellites in orbit.

List of Missions[]

Orbital Satellites[]

Name Mission Launch Date Outcome Type
People's Star Geostationary Orbit 5 April 2014 Safely entered geostationary orbit over Jerna City after launch Planetary Orbiter
People's Fist Geostationary Orbit 11 April 2014 Safely entered geostationary orbit over the Republic of Jerna after launch Planetary Orbiter
Revolution Geostationary Orbit 12 April 2014 Safely entered geostationary orbit over the Republic of Jerna after launch Planetary Orbiter
Worker's Hammer Prograde Orbit 22 April 2014 Safely entered prograde orbit at 35 degrees south of the equator after launch Planetary Orbiter
Peasant's Sickle Polar Orbit 12 May 2014 Safely entered polar orbit at a longitude of 115 degrees East Planetary Orbiter


Black and White Poster Describing the Stellar Reach programme of the Republic of Jerna

Manned Orbital Missions[]

Name Mission Launch Date Crew Type
Stellar Reach I Single-Crew Orbiter TBA TBA Planetary Orbiter
Stellar Reach II Single-Crew Orbiter TBA TBA Planetary Orbiter

Space Stations[]

Name Mission Launch Date Launch Crew Type
Home in the Sky Space Station TBA TBA Orbiting Space Station

Lunar Missions[]

Name Mission Launch Date Launch Crew Type
Selenia Lunar Probe TBA Remote Controlled Robotic Lander/Rover