Cyber Nations Wiki

Smartism flag

Flag of Smartism

Created by Karl Smarx in the mid 1950s, Smartism is a socialist ideology that focuses more on population and future expanding than political and economical factors. Most of the world isn't very fond of extreme socialists, so people try to avoid Smartists. President X of the Republic of Sinai and it is the leading ideology of FIGHT.

Core Beliefs[]

Economic Beliefs

-More land=more room for population to grow

-Mixed private and government owned businesses

-Trade for resources that are more beneficial

-More infrastructure=more citizens=more taxpayers

Political Beliefs


-Lots of government influence

-Diplomacy first

Military Beliefs

-Only attack when attacked first

-Technology=strong army

-Less troops but more efficient*

-Always at DEFCON 3

-Threat Level Guarded

-Weegee (XD)

Eventually, you'll want a bigger military, as long as its efficiency is still high.*


A lot of people regard Smartism and its policies, "downright communist" and "not fit for a growing nation". Smartism, in fact, opposes all forms of communism. The government just pushes the population in the right (or should I say left) direction so that the country can grow and flourish. Smartism does NOT support totalitarianism or authoritarianism of any kind. Smartism believes in autocracy, yes, but that autocrat must be elected first, then he serves a life term. Any autocrat can be ousted by public opinion. So this autocrat is really like a life-long president, only with much more authority.

Government System (Incomplete Autocracy)[]

Smartism requires something it likes to call, Incomplete Autocracy, where the ruler, the Autocrat, is chosen by the people, but serves a life term. The Autocrat is assisted in ruling by a Council, containing 150 people chosen by said Autocrat. The point of the Council is to vote on the law that the Autocrat comes up with. The Council goes by majority vote. The Council has the power to oust the Autocrat if he/she becomes unstable and/or corrupt.

Government Practices[]

Autocrats usually have multiple ways of asserting authority in a not-too threatening way:

  • Propaganda
  • Government Owned Companies (not too many though)
  • Radio Announcements
  • TV Broadcasts
  • Stamps
  • Malleo (XD)