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Second Russo-Japanese War
Date May 29th, 2012 - present
Location Japan
Cause Russia annexes Hokkaido in the aftermath of the Fourth World War and diplomatic negotiations fail
Status Ongoing
United prefectures of japan Japan
MidwayFlag Union of Midway
Union State

Russia Russia
Belarus Belarus

Supported By:
Ie 1798b Ireland
United prefectures of japan Tama-no-Mae
MidwayFlag Zabuza Hashimoto
MidwayFlag Zhou Guofeng
MidwayFlag Hua Enlai
MidwayFlag Franz Seidler
Russia Vladimir Putin
Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

The Second Russo-Japanese War is an ongoing military conflict primarily between Japan, the Union of Midway and Russia. It began on May 29, 2012, when Russia invaded Japan after diplomatic negotiations to solve an ongoing dispute of Hokkaido and the Kuril Islands failed, prompting Russia to conduct start what they call a preemptive war to "avoid a Japanese invasion of Russia". The Union of Midway honored treaty obligations with Japan, and declared war on Russia on the same day.


After the Fourth World War Russia had gained control of Hokkaido. Russia invaded Hokkaido during the Fourth World War because the National Socialist Japanese Workers Party had staged a successful coup d'état of the local government. Japan and Russia then began negotiations to get Russia to return Hokkaido, but negotiations failed because of the Kuril Islands dispute. On May 29, Russia annexed Hokkaido and invaded Japan claiming that they believed Japan would invade Russia if they didn't.


  • May, 2012
    • May 29: Russia annexes Hokkaido and invades Japan, Midway declares war on Russia.
    • May 30: Belarus, citing the Union State, declares war on Japan and Midway.
    • May 31: Ireland recognizes Hokkaido as Russian territory and declares support to Russia and Belarus.