Cyber Nations Wiki
Cyber Nations Wiki
Merge sign Merge notice
This alliance merged to become part of Non Grata.

Merger occurred on/around July 17, 2011
This alliance has disbanded
This alliance has disbanded.
Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes
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SLCB Official Flag

SLCB Official Flag
SLCB Motto: La Liberté n'a pas de prix
Team Color Purple team Purple
Founder(s) Jingoist, A Soviet Attack
Founded 10/07/08
Cabinet NCC, multi, dane0, RTellez06
Other Officials danosaur, Kurt Cobain, rnegafan, Schrödinger, xplicit313
International relations



Men's Recovery Project

Important Links

The Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes (SLCB) is an alliance located mainly on the Purple sphere. Founded by Jingoist and A Soviet Attack on the 7th of October 2008, it has thus far been very quiet on the international stage.


The Seaworthy Liberians are characterised by a low rate of growth and a lack of energy devoted to recruitment, preferring to build the alliance slowly, around a strong community. Nations wishing to join SLCB are advised to visit the IRC channel and the forum to get to know the other members before submitting an application. However, nations failing to do this are generally accepted to SLCB providing the typical requirements expected of an applicant are met.


On 26 April 2011, the charter was repealed and the alliance is currently working on a new charter to accommodate many proposed changes.


Following the 2nd SLCB Cabinet Elections which were held 8–13 June 2011, the current government (whose term will be 1 July-15 August 2011) is:

Blood God: NCC

Vice Blood God: multi

Merry Man: dane0

Merry Man: RTellez06

Foreign Affairs[]

SLCB currently holds MDoAPs with Tetris and Non Grata and an MDP with Hydra.

SLCB currently is the protector of Team Rocket and TAA.

SLCB is currently a signatory to the Let's Make One Anyway Bloc.

It is a former signatory of The Stickmen Accords

Significant Purple Team Alliances
Under 20UPN
DefunctAnarchy Inc.AODAAAvalonAxisThe BrotherhoodBAPSCerberusCollateralCoANConsortiumCSEDMFAECAAElysiumFCOHydraiFOKIMDInvictaKaleidoscopeKoTCLast CallLotRM*A*S*HNX(2)NAC(1)NAC(2)NAC(3)NX(1)NOOFLCOlympusPAWSCARSLCBSNAFUThe Hillbilly CoalitionTLRTPTNGTSThe Sovereign OrderValhalla(1)Valhalla(2)Vires NoctuWSA
See alsoActive: none
Defunct: GRAPEPEACEStickmenPoP
Currently sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Italicized Font. Formerly sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Font.