Cyber Nations Wiki
Flag of the Capital

Flag of the Capital
Imperial Seal of Ryuukami
Imperial Seal
“Meisei , Kinmu, Sonkei , Heiwa”
National Anthem
Location of Ryuukami
Capital City Mizuchi
Official Language(s) English, Japanese, Jin Chinese, German
Demonym Ryuuhito
Established 5/31/2009
(5,732 days old)
Government Type Capitalist Capitalist
Ruler Kaiba von Gries
Alliance Ragnarok
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Aqua Aqua
Total population 16,925
Literacy Rate 96.00%
Religion Taoism Taoism
Currency Yen Yen
Infrastructure 1346.06
Technology 330.88
Nation Strength 7,790.414
Nation Rank 11,178 of 5,242 (213.24%)
Total Area 1,130.958 miles Nation Map
Native Resources Gems, Lead
Connected Resources aluminum, coal, Furs, gold, iron, Lead, lumber, marble, rubber, oil, wheat
Bonus Resources Steel, Automobiles, Construction, microchips, radiation cleanup, Asphalt, scholars

Basic Information[]

Ryuukami is a medium sized, developing, and maturing nation with citizens primarily of a Mixed ethnicity consisting of Japanese, Chinese, German, and American immigrants, who are called Ryuuhito. Because of past horrifyingly destructive wars the levels of technology are abundant. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and in a recent poll headed by the Poll-Taker's Guild of Kotobachi, 41% of Ryuuhito want lowered taxes while 39% believe the current levels are adequate, and the other 20% do not care. Most citizens do understand that all money taken by the government is towards the betterment of the country. The citizens of Ryuukami work diligently to produce Lead and Gems as tradable resources for their nation. Contrary to belief, it is not an aggressive country, but firmly believes in attacking viciously to protect its citizens by any means sans nuclear weaponry. The military of Ryuukami has been positioned at all harbors and is arresting all drug traffickers and destroying their wares. The only recreational drug legalized within the country is marijuana (by vote) which, according to polls taken on 6/10/09, only 20% of the population uses. Ryuukami allows its citizens to openly protest their government, even if it means violence. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Ryuukami believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first in this time of mass rebuilding. As the country nearly unanimously voted (94% to 5%) voted, Ryuukami will not make deals with another country that has a poor history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

History of Ryuukami[]

  • Note: Many dates are approximate. Some developments emerged over a period of years, and precise dates for events before A.D. 600 have not been determined. Notice how long the prehistorical era was compared to other periods.
Period Name Description
1 Million BC -300 BC Jomon The early Japanese were gatherers, hunters and fishers.
300 BC-300 Yayoi The intoduction of rice agriculture evokes the development of a social hierarchy and hundreds of small countries that started to unify into larger countries.
300-538 Kofun 300 Japan is for the first time more or less united. Large tombs (kofun) were built for the deceased leaders.
538-710 Asuka

538/552 Introduction of Buddhism.
604 Prince Shotoku's Constitution of seventeen articles is promulgated.
645 The Taika reform is introduced. The Fujiwara era starts.

710-784 Nara 710 Nara becomes the first permanent capital.
784 The capital moves to Nagaoka.
794-1185 Heian 794 The capital moves to Heian (Kyoto).
1016 Fujiwara Michinaga becomes regent.
1159 The Taira clan under Taira Kiyomori takes over the power after the Heiji war.
1175 The Buddhist Jodo sect (Pure land sect) is introduced.
1180-85 In the Gempei War, the Minamoto clan puts an end to Taira supremacy.
1192-1333 Kamakura

1191 The Zen sect is intoduced.
1192 Minamoto Yoritomo is appointed shogun and establishes the Kamakura government.
1221 The Jokyu Disturbance ends a struggle between Kamakura and Kyoto causing the supremacy of the Hojo regents in Kamakura. 1232 A legal code, the Joei Shikimoku, is promulgated.
1274/1281 The Mongols try to invade Japan twice, but fail mainly because of bad weather conditions.
1333 The Kamakura bakufu falls.

1338-1573 Muromachi

1334 Kemmu restoration: the emperor restores power over Japan.
1336 Ashikaga Takauji captures Kyoto.
1337 The emperor flees and establishes the Southern court in Yoshino. Japan becomes "leet".
1338 Takauji establishes the Muromachi government and a second emperor in Kyoto (Northern court).
1392 Unification of the Southern and Northern courts.
1467-1477 Onin war.
1542 Portuguese introduce firearms and Christianity to Japan.
1568 Nobunaga enters Kyoto.
1573 The Muromachi Bakufu falls.

1573-1603 AzuchiMomoyama 1575 The Takeda clan is defeated in the battle of Nagashino.
1582 Nobunaga is murdered and succeeded by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
1588 Hideyoshi confiscates the weapons of farmers and religious institutions in the "Sword Hunt".
1590 Japan is reunited after the fall of Odawara (Hojo).
1592-98 Unsuccessful invasion of Korea.
1598 Death of Hideyoshi.
1600 Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats his rivals in the battle of Sekigahara.
1603 - 1867 Edo 1603 Ieyasu is appointed shogun and establishes the Tokugawa government in Edo (Tokyo).
1614 Ieyasu intensifies persecution of Christianity.
1615 The Toyotomi clan is destroyed after Ieyasu captures Osaka Castle.
1639 Almost complete isolation of Japan from the rest of the world.
1688-1703 Genroku era: popular culture flourishes.
1792 The Russians unsuccessfuly try to establish trade relations with Japan.
1854 Commodore Matthew Perry forces the Japanese government to open a limited number of ports for trade.
1868-1912 Meiji 1868 Meiji restoration.
1872 First railway line between Tokyo and Yokohama.
1889 The Meiji Constitution is promulgated.
1894-95 Sino-Japanese War.
1904-05 Russo-Japanese War.
1910 Annexion of Korea.
1912 Death of emperor Meiji.
1912-1926 Taisho 1914-18 Japan joins allied forces in WW1.
1923 The Great Kanto Earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama.
1926-1989 Showa

1931 Manchurian Incident.
1937 Second Sino-Japanese War starts.
1941 Pacific War starts.
1945 Japan surrenders after two atomic bombs are dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
1946 The new constitution is promulgated.

1952 The Allied Occupation of Japan ends.
1956 Japan becomes member of the UN.
1972 Normalization of relations to China.
1973 Oil crisis.

1989-2000 Heisei

1996 February 14, Grimms Disease discovered.
1996 December 14, Grimms Disease wipes out 90% of Earth's population.
1996 December 20, All Japanese cities abandoned except Tokyo.
1997 May 19, Survivors from China, Germany, and the United States enter Japan.
1998 June 4, Civil war causes rifts in relations between the once Chinese, German, and American citizens causing the Japanese Imperial Army to intervene.
1998 June 27, Japan declared a continent.
1998 June 31, Japanese continent named Ganjin.
2000 August 10, Emperor Akihito dies.

2000-2004 Ganjin Tsunahiki 2000 August 21, Japanese monarchy discarded in favor of democratic elections.
2000 December 12, Kotetsu Xin takes office as First Ryuuhito President.
2001 Population falls to less than 800 poeple due to drought and famine.
2001 Inhabitants of Japan spread to outer islands.
2002 First contact with outside countries since Grimms Disease outbreak.
2003 Foreign trade begins and economy booms.
2004 December 31, Kotetsu Xin dies. Liu Westhuizen elected into office.
2004 Name change for the country voted on by the population.
2004 The Ryuu, a species of flying lizard, is discovered in remains of the Kanto Province.
2004 Japan renamed Ryuukami in honor of newfound Dragons.
2004-2009 Ryuukami Tsunahiki

2004 April 8, Liu Westhuizen declares Ryuukami a Monarchy once again.
2004 April 14, The First Ganjin War begins as civil war erupts throughout Ryuukami.
2005 April 14, The Three Countries created in Ryuukami; Guang Xun to the North, Tetsaiga on the main central island, and Stabilgrau to the South.
2005 April, 28th Capital cities, Xu Chang in Guang Xun, Mizuchi in Tetsaiga, and Neu Berlin in Stabilgrau, declared as state capitals.
2005 Battle of Tan Xing sees Guang Xun armies destroyed by the strategic might of Liu Westhuizen.
2007 March 3, The First Ganjin War ends in The Kodai Niigata Meetings held in the ruins of Niigata as fighting ceases.
2007 March 4, Liu Westhuizen steps down as Emperor of Tetsaiga.
2007 Lukas Tatsuki elected leader of Ganjin.
2008 Another famine depletes population.
2008 January 14, Lukas Tatsuki has The Kodai Niigata Charter rewritten to reunite Ryuukami as a single country again with The Three Countries becoming states.
2008 April 1, Lukas Tatsuki names era Ryuukami Tsunahiki.
2008 August 24, Akechi Jinyu elected to be the first Vice President after Lukas Tatsuki takes ill.
2008 August 30, Akechi Jinryu sets up the Modern Mizuchi Government.
2009 January, 1st Lukas Tatsuki regains power after health issues resolved; begins creating the Specified Trade Cities Charter.
2009 January 21, Akechi Jinryu assassinated by corrupt official, Cen Hun; Nation mourns.
2009 May 19, Lukas Tatsuki requests to step down due to poor health while declaring the end of the Ryuukami Tsunahiki Era.

2009–Present True Ryuukami

2009 May 31, Kaiba von Gries elected leader of Ryuukami.
2009 May 31, National Languages of English, Japanese, Jin Chinese, and German declared.
2009 May 31, Ryuukami joins Ragnarok Alliance.
2009 June 5, Specified Trade Cities Charter placed into effect.
2009 June 6, Trade cities Kotobachi, Gyogyoochi, Koozanchi, and Seijichi created outside of Mizuchi.
2009 June 7, Unprovoked attack by Applezors of New Pacific Order effectively draws Ryuukami into the violence of Karma War.
2009 June 15, Kaiba von Gries succeeds in organizing a series of trades throughout the developing world and various important recourses and "bonus recourses" appear and economy rises to 10x its peak in 2003.
2009 June 16, After a series of sudden and unjustified trade cancellations the nation of Ryuukami had a sharp decline in economic productivity. "bonus resource" production is cancelled.
2009 June 20, An onslaught by two nations, led by Applezors and Dr. James Henrey, caused major destruction and economic decline.
2009 June 22, Aid from a fellow Ragnarok member brings Ryuukami closer to where it was prior to attacks. Ryuukami resumes defense of country.
2009 July 19, Karma War ends and build up of the country begins.
2009 August 2, New suburb-like cities appear on the mainland where only general trade takes place.
2009 August 11, Ryuukami spreads it's territory to include some of Old Russia's Eastern territory and part of Kim Jong-il Republic's (once called North and South Korea) southern lands.
2009 August 11, Two cities founded within the Stabilgrau state.
2009 August 11, Anti-War Terrorists attack the Karma War Memorial in Mizuchi leading to a country search of the culprits.

Major Geographical Locations[]

  • Ganjin- The continent that Ryuukami lies on. Formerly known as the country of Japan.
    • Guang Xun- Primarily Chinese state in the Northern Ryuukami.
      • Xu Chang- Capital of Guang Xun. Known for notable generals such as Lin Shima, Gao Fangxu, Chen Li, and Lu Chengbu.
    • Tetsaiga- Primarily Japanese state in Central Ryuukami.
      • Mizuchi- Capital of Tetsaiga and and Ryuukami National Capital. It is the political center for politics, foreign and local.
      • Gyogyoochi- Located in the Northern Tetsaiga area. The city was meant to become a center for fishing but instead became the main producer of steel and automobiles.
      • Koozanchi- This city is positioned southeast of Mizuchi. It is famous for the mining of gold, iron, and gems. The National Bank of Tetsaiga is located here.
      • Kotobachi- Situated northeast of Mizuchi barely outside of city limits. This is the center of information and history of Tetsaiga. Nearly 90% of all polls are made, approved, and sent out from this city.
      • Seijichi- This city is a training ground for local and foreign political figures. Many of the nation's newest officials have been trained here. All laws are sent here before they are approved,
    • Stabilgrau- Mainly German state in Southern Ryuukami.
      • Neu Berlin- Capital of Stabilgrau. Made famous for oil drilling and production of Fine Jewelry.

Political Map of Ryuukami
