Cyber Nations Wiki
Official Flag of Liberije

National Flag
Capital City GayTown
Official Language(s) Dutch, English, German
Established 5/13/2007
(6,481 days old)
Alliance Non Grata
Non Grata
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Orange Orange
Nation Strength 27,905.703
Native Resources Furs and Gold

Liberije is a 1 year old Country. Its leader is Raptorix.

Liberije is a medium sized, mostly developed, and aging nation at 415 days old with citizens primarily of Jewish ethnicity whose religion is Baha'i Faith. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Liberije work diligently to produce Furs and Gold as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. Plans are on the way within Liberije to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Liberije has no definite position on domestic issues concerning government protests in the country at this time. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Liberije has no definite position on free speech. Liberije has no definite foreign aid at this time. Liberije has no definite position on trade relations.

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