Rag´s Avatar
Ragnarok Gunaarkokul, commonly known as known as Rag, is the current and eternal ruler of the Nation-State of Latlaus Skothrio, a member of Terra Prime in the Purple Sphere.
Rag is a former member of TGE, after which he joined the fledgling Malachite Empire, where he was appointed minister of intelligence. He became the de-facto Chancellor of External Affairs after the failed merge with Terra Prime into the Grand Telluric Empire. Soon after, the Emperor of ME, Zornosaur, resigned and left Rag in command of ME. Even though this was a violation of the ME charter, Rag decided to stay and manage the Alliance while everyone at ME decided what they wanted to do. a few weeks later he was approached by the leaders of Terra Prime, who proposed ME merged into TP, a gnerous offer considering the decadent state of ME. Rag became Regent of TP, but eventually stepped down and was appointed Imperial Adviser, a position he retains to this day.