Prospective nations who wish to move to this alliance affiliation must agree to the following terms in order to receive the protection available:
The prospective nation must move to Maroon
The prospective nation must change their Alliance Affiliation to RIA Trade Partner
The prospective nation understands that if they start trouble they will have to deal with the repercussions on their own
This protection extends over "arbitrary warfare" (also known as "raiding"), and nations are not protected from the repercussions of actions they have taken against other nations or alliances.
Alliances are not barred from recruiting from this alliance affiliation, and are free to leave or enter the alliance affiliation at any time, whether they are at war or not. By changing their team to Maroon and setting their alliance affiliation as "RIA Trade Partner" they have agreed to the terms of this protection. As such war refugees, raid refugees, disbandment refugees, and those who would like to avoid politics in general are all accepted.