Cyber Nations Wiki

The States of the Prussian Empire

The following is a list of the States of the Prussian Empire. The States are each controlled by an Imperial Governor under the oversight of the Imperial Chancellor.

Under the Kingdom of Tenarra, the 5 states had originally been sovereign nations that agreed to unify the Alliance of Central European States. In the Kingdom, each state had the right to withdraw from that union at any time so long as the people in the state voted favorably to do so in a referendum. This right, however, was taken away after the Tenarran Civil War and the establishment of the Prussian Empire by Alfred von Schliefen. As such, elements of nationalism began to creep into state legislatures and the people of each state. The most severe location of this nationalism was Poland, where eventually the Prussian Civil War would occur. The other states, however, have been generally happy with the Prussian rule and have consented to remain content under the new government.

Under the Prussian system, any sovereign state may apply to join the union, which is considered by the Senate, the Council of Ministers, and the Chief of General Staff. Upon reaching a consensus, the said state gains full rights as a state of the union. However, to this day, no nation has yet applied to gain state status, and the only state to act under Prussian administration outside of the direct union is the nation of Hungary.

State Capital Area Population
Germany Germany Berlin 357,021 km2 34,220,144 (58.9%)
Austria Austria Vienna 83,872 km2 3,487,408 (6%)
Poland Poland Warsaw 312,679 km2 15,912,493 (27.4%)
Czech Republic Czech Prague 78,866 km2 4,372,058 (7.5%)
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Vaduz 160 km2 14,792 (.02%)