Cyber Nations Wiki
Provisional Government of Midway
Flag of Provisional Government of Midway
National Flag
"Of the people, by the people, for the people."
National Anthem
The Internationale (Billy Bragg's Revision) Japanese Version German Version
Capital Aldebaran
Official languagess English, Japanese, German
Demonym Midwayan
Government Provisional government
Provisional government Council for the Safety of Midway
- Overthrow of the Union of Midway

12 September 2013
Major Religions None
National Animal Laysan Albatross
Total Area 302.554 sq mi.
Total Population
- Ethnic groups
Currency Union of Midway Dollar $ (UMD), JBRican Dollar
Literacy Rate 93.12%
Driving Lane Right
Date Format mm/dd/yyyy
Time Zone UTC -11:00

The Provisional Government of Midway was proclaimed on September 12, 2011 by the Council for the Safety of Midway with the assistance of the United States of JBR. It governs the Union of Midway after the overthrow of the Union of Midway. It ruled until after Bassols Counter-Revolution, when it formed the Republic of Midway.

Provisional Government[]

Following the overthrow of the Union of Midway and the establishment of the provisional government, the Council for the Safety of Midway immediately went about setting up new laws and regulations regarding suffrage. Many were meant to make it so the opposers of the provisional government would become ineligible to vote. Some of these laws and regulations included making the candidates get approval from the Council for the Safety of Midway, and setting a poll tax only the wealthy (which made up the majority of supporters for the Council for the Safety of Midway) could pay, but giving discounts to members of the Council for the Safety of Midway. Many of those which oppose the Council for the Safety of Midway were denied civil rights.


The military of the Provisional Government of Midway was formed almost immediately after the initial overthrow of the Union of Midway. The military of the Provisional Government of Midway consists of 4 divisions - the first division consists of a majority of those who are members of the Worker's Advancement Party of Midway, the second being wealthy volunteers, the third being causasian volunteers, and the fourth being those that were drafted. The fourth division consists of the majority of the military. Most of these people were drafted from the military of the Union of Midway.
