Cyber Nations Wiki
Cyber Nations Wiki
Media Corps
Department of the New Pacific Order
NPO Media
Media Corps Standard
Imperial Officers Red
Chief of Media AngelusBeck
Coordinators Oranges, Cam177
Branches Media Corps
Spreading the culture of Pacifica through graphics, newsletters, and wiki pages.

The Propaganda Division of the New Pacific Order is a combination of the former Graphics, Wiki, and Writing Divisions. It was created on May 18, 2012, as part of another restructure of the Media Corps.

Propaganda jobs[]

Seniorpropagandist Senior Propagandists are a step above Propagandists, having shown extra skill and dedication.

Propagandist Propagandists are responsible for creating artwork and written pieces (including articles for both newsletters and the wiki) for Media.


Alongside its frequent irregular writing projects, the Writing Division produces a number of regular publications.

The Pacific Press[]

Main article: The Pacific Press

The Pacific Press is the principal project of the Writing Division, and the semi-official internal newspaper of the New Pacific Order.

Wartime Pacific Press[]


During times of war, the Writing Division publishes the Wartime Pacific Press, which replaces The Pacific Press. The debut of the Wartime Pacific Press came in the Armageddon War of 2009, where it provided a constant source of information for Pacificans.


The NPO artists create official images for announcements and for use on the forums. They also create complex skins for the forum's monthly themes. These artists are extremely talented and are capable of making any image requested of them, with little or no notice. The artists also spend many hours working on custom images for members of the New Pacific Order without charge.
