Cyber Nations Wiki
One Vision
Bloc Type: MDoAP
Bloc formed: Nov 8, 2007
Bloc Terminated: July 19, 2009
Bloc Status: Defunct
Former One Vision Alliances

New Pacific Order

Independent Republic of Orange Nations

New Polar Order

Grand Global Alliance

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance


One Vision was a MDoAP bloc that arose after the conclusion of the Unjust War. It bore similarities to The Initiative. One Vision was effectively dissolved on July 19, 2009 when the last remaining signatory, the New Pacific Order surrendered in the Karma War[1].

One Vision Treaty[]


In the interests of common defense and collegial friendship, the undersigned alliances hereby enter into a mutual defense and optional aggression pact. This by no means restricts their freedom to conduct their own affairs how they see fit and only applies in terms of the obligations which they freely undertake in signing this treaty.

Article 1: Name[]

1.1 For purposes of colloquial discussion, this treaty shall be known as the One Vision.

Article 2: Discourse[]

2.1 All signatories agree to resolve disputes privately wherein dispute shall be defined as disagreements between governments.
2.2 Discourse between signatories shall be respectful.

Article 3: Intelligence and Espionage[]

3.1 Any intelligence acquired by a signatory relevant to the interests of another will be shared with them.
3.1.1 Knowledge or evidence of outside espionage will fall under Article 3.1 and will be conveyed to the party being spied on.
3.1.2 Knowledge or evidence of impending war will fall under Article 3.1 and will be conveyed to all signatories.
3.1.3 Knowledge or evidence of other impending actions harmful to the wellbeing of any signatory not enumerated in this section shall be conveyed to that signatory.

3.2 Signatories shall not engage in espionage against one another.
3.2.1 Espionage shall include unauthorized access to the internal forums of signatories and the use of spy military forces against signatories in any fashion.
3.2.2 If a nation from a signatory is caught in violation of the forum of a signatory, they shall be expelled from their alliance and be subject to complete infrastructure destruction.
3.2.3 If a nation from a signatory is caught violating the territory of a nation of another signatory with spy military forces, they shall be required to pay reparations to the harmed nation. Failure to do so will be treated as a breach of section 3.2.2.
3.2.4 If a signatory alliance is found to be in violation of section 3.2. as defined by government compliance in the act, they shall be expelled from this pact and shall be considered to have committed an act of war against the remaining signatories.

3.3 Any intellectual property of one signatory or her members shall not change ownership status.
3.3.1 Any use of the intellectual property of another signatory shall require written consent.

Article 4: Warfare[]

4.1 Should any signatory come under attack, it is mandatory all signatories come to the assistance of the attacked.
4.1.1 Assistance shall be defined as military, financial, intelligence, and all other form of aids other signatories are able to provide.
4.1.2 All signatories coming to the aid of another will use all means available to them to aid the attacked signatory.
4.1.3 An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on all signatories.

4.2 Signatories shall have the option, but not the obligation, to engage in offensive warfare alongside other signatories.

4.3 Notice of all of offensive military actions shall be given no less than 3 days (72 hours) in advance of action.
4.3.1 This time period shall be used for consideration of whether or not to support the offensive action.

4.4 In cases where multiple signatories are involved in war with the same external party, no signatory shall come to an agreement with the external party without advanced notice and the support of at least two thirds of the warring signatories to this pact.
4.4.1 All signatories will use the same terms for their agreements, except in cases where two-thirds (2/3) of signatories vote in favor of granting an exception.
4.4.2 All signatories shall make available to all other signatories all agreements made and shall keep these lists updated daily if possible.
4.4.3 These agreements include but are not limited to alliance surrenders, individual surrenders, and ceasefires.

Article 5: Admission of New Signatories[]

5.1 New signatory alliances may be added by a unanimous (100%) vote, after which an invitation will be extended to that alliance to join.
5.2 Admission is by invitation only.

Article 6 Expulsion[]

6.1 Signatory alliances may be expelled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all current signatories.
6.1.1 No signatory alliance may be shut out of the expulsion proceedings and a vote may only occur subsequent to a full forty-eight (48) hours of discussion time after a motion to expel has been brought forward by one signatory alliance and seconded by a separate signatory alliance.
6.1.2 The vote on expulsion will last for an additional forty-eigh (48) hours. The vote may be concluded sooner if a two-thirds majority is reached, but a vote may not be extended past that point.

Article 7: Amendment[]

7.1 The terms of this treaty may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of signatory alliances, with each alliance getting one vote.

Article 8: Ratification[]

8.1 The undersigned signatories hereby certify that their alliances have approved this treaty by whatever means said alliances have in place for such approval, and that they do so without any moral reservation or duress.

Former Signatories[]

Assington, Emperor of New Polar Order
RandomInterrupt, Regent
Slashes-with-Claws, Imperial Liason
Myworld, Minister of Truth
ZBaldwin, Deputy Minister of Truth
Dajow, Minister of Peace
Penguin, Deputy Minister of Peace
JPhillips412, Minister of Plenty
Silvaienia, Deputy Minister of Plenty
AlmightyGrub, Minister of Love
Fupresti, Deputy Minister of Love

The New Polar Order was ejected from one vision on June 22, 2008

BearerofTruth, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm
Bilrow, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm
Jukebox Hero, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm
ALdbeign, Elder Statesman
Emperor Lester II, Elder Stateman
Kevin the Great, Elder Statesman
Ironchef, Regent
DerekJones, Vice-Chancellor of Exterior
Desius, Minister of Foreign Affairs

GGA withdrew on May 25, 2009. [2]

Sam, Co-Chancellor
Ololiqui, Co-Chancellor
Anakey, High Council
Sadinoelus, High Council
GONEfishin, High Council
Celt, High Council
Dragonaspect, High Council
Emperor José, High Council
Jesse James, High Council
Wozzname, High Council
TFS, High Council
Logan1, High Council
Krim Xephon, High Council

The MCXA's membership in One Vision was shortly suspended after surrendering in the Karma War. They completely withdrew from One Vision on May 27, 2009

Bay102174, President
Shan Revan, Secretary of State
DarkMistress, Deputy Secretary of State
Bill n Ted, Minister of Defence
Marechal Raphael, Deputy Minister of Defence
Heft, IRON Council
Meterman, IRON Council
James, IRON Council
KevinH, IRON Council
Finsterbaby, IRON Council
PE Shang, IRON Council

IRON's membership in One Vision was shortly suspended after surrendering in the Karma War. They completely withdrew from One Vision on May 28, 2009

DeathAngel, Director
Cozmo, Director
AllYourBase, Director
Tela, Queen
Caffine, MoFA
El Hefe, Congress
Jaymay15, Congress
Solidus117, Congress
Big Jimboi, Congress

Echelon withdrew on July 5, 2009 as a result of their surrender terms in the Karma War. [3]

Emperor Revenge
Divine Bovine Overlord New Pacific Order
Moo-cows with guns
Moo Tang Clan
Ain't Nuthin to $%&@ With

NPO withdrew on July 19, 2009 as a result of their surrender terms in the Karma War. [4]

External links[]

See also[]

Alliance Blocs and Groups
Active MADP/MDP Assistance, Zeal, Trade, Economic & Combat Treaty (AZTEC) | Chestnut Accords | Dos Equis (XX) | Oculus | The Usual Suspects (Plan B) | Roll For Initiative (RFI) | Roll For Damage (RFD) | The Cookout (TC) | Shenanigans
Other Active

—Color: Dark Vows | lol, Maroonity | Maroon Economic Pact | One Big Happy Family Accords | Red Dawn | Solidarity Pact for an Allied Maroon | Emerald Economic Community | White Team Unity Accords

—Protectorate: Honorable Maroon Trading Company

—Other: Rosular Kingdom

Defunct MADP/MDP Independence Council | Northern Defense Front | Independent States Allied Forces | League Of Extraordinary Alliances | United Green | The Network | The Imperium | The Internationale | The Sphere | Green Solidarity | Grand Union of Intelligent Little Democracies | The Second Internationale | Communist International | Tergeminus Paragon | Grand Union of Alliances for Rapport and Defense | Drinking Buddies | Brotherhood of Neverending Greatness | The Initiative | The Unjust Path | The Offspring | Security Headquarters of the Independant Empirical League of Defence | Ferocitas Compact | The Hegemony | The Cartel Compact | UPS v2.0 | Hanseatic League | The Brotherhood | Mission for Alliance Co-Operation | The Triptych | Knights of Christ | Dark Confederate | Kingdom of Heaven | Blue Leadership Ensuring Unity | Aquatic Ascendancy Treaty | Order of the New Dawn | Coalition of Micro-Alliances | Warsaw Pact (1st) | The Trident | The Continuum | The Ring Cycle | One Vision | Black Peace Initiative | Inner Circle | Watling Street Compact | Threesome | Purqua | Fantastic Four | Pink Warrior Network | Pocahontas Accords | Frostbite | The Nexus Agreement | The Citadel | Below | Deus Ex Machina | Teen Titans | The SuperFriends & Teen Titans | Bastion | Nueva Sangre (NV) | Power Rangers | Common Defense Treaty | Peace and Love Train Accords | Iron Curtain | League of Extraordinary Oranges | The Powerpuff Girls | Synergy | The Stickmen | Valor Accords | Kel-Morian Combine | The Axis | Overlord's Protectorate Pact | Checkmate. | Nueva Sangre (AZTEC) | Mjölnir | Poseidon | Pandora's Box | Terra-Cotta Pact | Balkan Entente | Blood For Friends | Victory Not Vengeance | PF | Kitten Defence Force | Doom House Accords | The SuperFriends (SF) | Aftermath | Die Linke | Sentinel | Complaints and Grievances Union (C&G) |
Other Defunct Blunity Accords | Citrus Trade Initiative | Green Sanctions Treaty | Free Green Treaty | The Sun Also Rises | Aqua Trade Act | UPS Accords | High Guardian Concord | New Church of Maroon | UPS v2.0 | Treaty of Amity and Diplomacy | Yellow Unity | The Ménage-à-ToA | Global Reunification Act of Purple Endurance | League of Free Nations | Brown Unity in Trading Treaty | United White | Novus Universitas | Coalition of Rose Alliance Leadership | Yellow Sphereority | Agora Accords | EPIC | Aquatic Shield Treaty | Solidarity of Nations On White | Commonwealth of Echelon | Orange Unity Senate Treaty | Cult of Xander | Amber Accords | Solidarity | Warsaw Pact (2nd) | Pink Warrior Network Assembly of General Economics | Aqua Big Brother Protection Agreement | Confederation of Awesome Protectorates | League of Internationally Organized Nations | Aqua Interalliance Cooperation & Economic Treaty | MicroFusion | Pink Unity Bloc | The Revolution | Sirius | NOIR | The Triumvirate Treaty | Pegasus | P.E.A.C.E. Economic Treaty | Goonies | CADRE | United Jungle Accords | Tinytowne Accords | Apparatus Project | Descendants of Avatar | Ragnablok | Duckroll Project | Maroon Economic Attack Treaty | Arizona | One Big Happy Family Accords | Freedom of The Seas | Men's Recovery Project | Tech Sellers Union | ZI Peace Pact | Sons of Anarchy | Prosperity on Purple | Union for Sphere Stability on Red |
War Coalitions Boognish | Coalition of Justice | CoaLUEtion | Friends of DOOM | Roll For Damage | Maroon Allied Forces | Communist Allied Forces | Aegis | ~ | Unjust Highway | No Vision | Coalition | Friends > Infra | Warsaw Micro Coalition | The Hegemony | Karma | SuperGrievances | Coincidence Coalition | TIFDTT | The Avengers | Lightbringers | Equilibrium | Competence
Proposed The Rational Institution of Defensive Entities for a New Tomorrow | Bastion
See Also List of blocs | Bloc stats | Neutral Alliances
Notes: The definition of "bloc" or "alliance group" refers to a treaty involving three or more alliances. Active blocs in italics are those which had three or more members at one point but now have only two. Active blocs are ordered alphabetically while defunct blocs are placed in the order they became defunct; War coalitions are ordered according to the timeline of the wars in which they fought.
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