Cyber Nations Wiki
Non Grata
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NG Official Flag

NG Official Flag

NG War Flag
NG War Flag
Team Color Maroon team Maroon
Founded June 14, 2011
The Milkstone Emperor

  • Lenin, The Milkman

  • Kerschbs, Closet Democrat
  • weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
  • Cydonian Knight, Brillantina y Pólvora
  • Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch

  • Stewie
  • Rhizo
  • Waffles
Maroon Senate
International relations

Treaties: See below


AllianceStats Statistics as of 1/1/2023
Total Nations 79
Strength 3,039,524
Avg. Strength 38,475
Nukes 1,038
Rank 10
Score 20.40
Important Links

Non Grata (NG) is a sanctioned Maroon alliance that was founded on June 14, 2011, by a merger of Poison Clan and iFOK.

On July 17, 2011, it expanded further by absorbing Hydra and Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes after those two alliances disbanded.

On November 22, 2011, Non Grata further consolidated their position by absorbing Team Rocket, the protectorate they acquired from the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes as a result of their annexation.

On May 10, 2012, Non Grata secured their spot as one of the premier alliances in CN by absorbing their long time ally the FOK and becoming the second largest alliance by score.

On June 30, 2022, Lyanna Mormont replaced Kerschbs as the leader of Non Grata.

On July 15, 2024, Lenin replaced Lyanna Mormont as the leader of Non Grata


Preamble – In the interest of security, camaraderie, and community, we the members of Non Grata declare our existence as a black team alliance.

Article I: Membership[]

  • Admission to Non Grata may be granted if the following requirements are met:
    • 1. Applicant shows a willingness to learn and advance within the ranks of Non Grata.
    • 2. Applicant is not a member of any other alliance or on any other alliance’s ZI (zero infrastructure) list.
    • 3. Applicant is not involved in any current wars.
    • 4. Applicant agrees to abide by the rules set forth in this charter.

Article II: Government[]

  • The government of Non Grata consists of three main bodies, assisted with two additional bodies that operate on similar levels.
  • Main Bodies
  • The Triumvirate is the ruling body of Non Grata, consisting of three members that are in charge of all decision making in the alliance. The triumvirate is an appointed body, and any new triumvirs are appointed by the current body. The triumvirate will make an effort to seek approval from the membership and other government members in regards to decisions that affect the alliance. The triumvirate does not, however, need to consult the membership in times of war regarding treaty obligations due to the need to be decisive.
  • The Ministers are an executive body of Non Grata tasked with managing and performing the day-to-day activities in the alliance. The Ministries of Non Grata include Foreign Affairs, Defense, Recruitment & Education, Trades & Growth, and Tech. Ministers are appointed by the triumvirate, and may be replaced at any time if it is felt necessary by the triumvirate. Ministers report directly to the triumvirate, and may appoint their own deputy ministers.
  • The Conclave are a legislative body of Non Grata tasked with discussing and proposing legislation and other important issues concerning the alliance. Conclave members are appointed by the Triumvirate, and are typically members of the alliance that have demonstrated advanced expertise in many areas of the game, including politics, nation building, and military affairs. The triumvirate, advisors, and the ministers are also members of the Conclave. Conclave members generally serve continuously unless the triumvirate feels they are no longer contributing at a reasonable level, at which time they may be removed.
  • Additional Bodies
  • The Advisors are an advisory body that operates at the same level as the triumvirate. The Advisors do not hold any actual authority within the alliance; their task is simply to provide expert advice to the triumvirate. Advisors are appointed for life by the triumvirate until they step down from the role or leave the alliance. Advisors are generally long-time government members that hold a vast wealth of expertise in all areas of the game.
  • The Deputy Ministers are an executive body that assists the ministers in performing tasks. Deputy ministers are appointed by the ministers, but can be removed by the triumvirate if deemed inappropriate. Deputy Ministers are the only government body that does not automatically gain access to the Conclave, due to being the only body not appointed by the triumvirate. However, the triumvirate may still appoint deputy ministers to the Conclave if it feels it is warranted.

Article III: War[]

  • Declarations of war by Non Grata are executed by the triumvirate. This includes all wars, be they nation vs. nation or alliance vs. alliance. Nuclear first strikes are at the discretion of the triumvirate.

Article IV: Raiding[]

  • Non Grata allows the practice of raiding. Raiding rules will be made available for public viewing on our forum for all interested parties. Any questions or concerns regarding the alliance's raiding policies should be directed to the government of Non Grata.

Article V: Acceptable Behavior[]

  • Members are expected to act responsibly and courteous to each other and our allies. Common sense and basic decency are requirements for membership. Anyone that goes well beyond these simple rules will be expelled by the triumvirate.

Article VI: Leaving the Alliance[]

  • Any member that wishes to leave Non Grata may do so at any time by posting in the resignations forum, provided the alliance is not in war or under terms resulting from a war, and does not have any unpaid debts. Failure to satisfy these conditions will result in military action against the member.

Article VII: Amendments[]

  • Amendments to this document are at the discretion of the triumvirate.


War History[]

War Participants Outcome Notes
NG-UPN War Non Grata vs. United Purple Nations Victory UPN paid reparations to Venomous Larvae.
NG-SOS団 War Non Grata vs. SOS Brigade Victory white peace given to all SOS Brigade members except Arrnea.
Kaskus-NG War Non Grata vs. Kaskus Victory Kaskus paid reparations to Non Grata.
Fark-NPO War Non Grata vs. Farkistan and The Apparatus Victory Fark admits defeat and surrenders to Non Grata and the coalition.
NG-AGWO War Non Grata vs. AGW Overlords Tech Raid Non Grata does not officially recognize the NG-AGWO War as a war but rather a tech raid.
GOONS-MONGOLS War Non Grata vs. Kaskus and MONGOLS Victory Kaskus and MONGOLS agree to pay reps to GOONS.
Dave War Non Grata vs. Random Insanity Alliance, AGW Overlords, Global Order of Darkness, Bal Masque, The Templar Knights, Unita Societatem and The Apparatus Victory RIA, AGWO, GOD, BM, TTK, App, and US all surrender to Non Grata and the coalition.
Equilibrium War Non Grata vs. The Templar Knights, North Atlantic Defense Coalition, New Polar Order, Mostly Harmless Alliance, Farkistan, Christian Coalition of Countries, CRAP, Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Defeat Non Grata and DH Coalition admit defeat and surrender to Equilibrium
oA War Non Grata vs. The Order of the Paradox, Umbrella, Viridian Entente, League of Small Superpowers, Mortal Wombat, Disciples of Destruction, United Purple Nations, Mostly Harmless Alliance Defeat Non Grata and Nordreich (2nd) surrender to the coalition
Doom War Non Grata vs. New Polar Order Farkistan Mostly Harmless Alliance Sparta Supernova X Victory NpO and allies agree to peace and withdraw from war
Supernova X Raids Non Grata vs. Supernova X Tech Raid Non Grata does not officially recognize the Supernova X Raids as a war but rather a tech raid.
Oculus–MI6 War Oculus vs. MI6, The Phoenix Federation, Siberian Tiger Alliance Victory MI6, TPF and STA surrender to Oculus, MI6 admits responsibility for war beginning.
Sengoku-SPATR War Oculus vs. SPATR, MONGOLS, Kaskus, NEW White Peace
(Another) Limitless Nexus-Kashmir War Non Grata vs. Kashmir Victory
The "For Steve!" War Oculus vs. MI6, Sparta, NADC Victory Oculus and allies win the war.
Yin-Yang War Non Grata vs. Freehold of The Wolves & Roll For Initiative Defeat Non Grata agrees to agrees to drop their claims of ownership of the yin-yang symbol.
Hazardous Materials War Non Grata vs. NPO, IRON, & ODN Defeat NPO Coalition Victory. Non Grata agrees to stop poaching their members.
Bi-Cycle War Non Grata vs. Roll For Initiative & Oculus White Peace Status Quo Ante Bellum
For Egg War Non Grata vs. Boognish Victory NG Victory: Boognish is disbanded
Herogasm War Roll For Damage vs. Novus Ordo Seclorum Ongoing

International relations[]

Active Treaties[]

Treaty Type Treaty Partner(s) Status Signed
The “ItS jUsT rOtAtEd!” Accords (link) MDoAP Dragonwolfnova Freehold of The Wolves Active 19 December 2022
DEUS VULT – The Unwelcome Crusade (link) MDoAP Flag of the Christian Coalition of Countries CCC Active 28 March 2021
(link) MDoAP RIA RIA Active 3 July 2020
(link) MDoAP FARK Flag Fark Active March 31, 2016
Frozen Venom Accords (link) MDoAP NpOFlag7 New Polar Order Active Jan 8, 2016
The Unwelcome Suspects MDoAP NATO NATO Active Aug 19, 2014
The Carnivore Accords (link) MDoAP Flag of Nordreich Nordreich Active Sept 19, 2011

Previous Treaties[]

Treaty Type Treaty Partner(s) Status
The "Do you have a flag?" Accords (link) ODoAP Dragonwolfnova Freehold of The Wolves Upgraded
Non Grata and The Imperial Entente Holdfast Together MDoAP TIE Official The Imperial Entente Defunct
One Big Happy Family Accords (link) NAP / Senate Maroon Alliances Defunct
(link) TBC1 The Bear Cavalry Defunct
The Peace in Our Time Treaty (link) ODoAP Doom Kingdom Flag Doom Kingdom (originally Doom Squad) Defunct (link)
We Caught a Big One Accords (link) ODoAP Rnrflag6 R&R Defunct (link)
Ok we both like fishing so let’s fish together (link) MDoAP Rnrflag6 R&R Defunct
The Disastrous Father Accords 2.0 (link) MnDoAP NSOWhite New Sith Order Cancelled (link)
SDS Protectorate (link) Protectorate SDSflag Seven Days in the Sun Defunct
Flag of Oculus Novus Ordo Seclorum (link) Bloc Umbrella, IRON, NPO, Sengoku, AB, GLOF, DT, VE Cancelled
SPECTRE (link) MnDoAP IRONflag IRON Cancelled
g23 paxilon hydrochlorate pact (link) ODoAP Reavers Reavers Cancelled
The Unwanted and Brown Accords (link) ODP Gatoflag2 GATO Cancelled
Central Grata Powers (no link) Economic Agreement CentralPowersFlag Central Powers Defunct
There and Back Again (link) MnDoAP Flag of Valhalla Valhalla Cancelled (link)
Artigo-Rakshasas Powerlifting Accords (link) ODoAP Dbdc Doombird Doomcave Cancelled
NG-Valhalla Protection (link) Protectorate Flag of Valhalla Valhalla Cancelled (link)
The Disastrous Father Accords (link) ODoAP NSOWhite New Sith Order Upgraded (link)
A Treaty You Still Can't Refuse (link) MDoAP Flag of NPO New Pacific Order Cancelled
A treaty you can't refuse (link) ODoAP Flag of NPO New Pacific Order Upgraded (link)
NG-MK MDoAP (link) MDoAP New MK Flag Mushroom Kingdom Defunct (link)
Maroon Economic Attack Treaty Econ/ODP TLR, MK, NSO Cancelled
The Forge Accords (link) MDoAP IRONflag IRON Downgraded
Merger Madness 2.0 (link) MDoAP TLRflagwavemaroon-blue The Last Remnants Cancelled
The Forge Accords (link) ODoAP IRONflag IRON Upgraded (link)
Pandora's Box (PC/iFOK) (NG) MDoAP bloc VE, Umbrella, GOONS, FOK Withdrew (link)


Former blocs[]
