The New Pacific Order Solidarity Plan is a plan to use DDR funds to increase the economic welfare of the NPO. As of October, 2008, the SED has canceled this program due to political tension and resignation from the NPO.
Outline of Solidarity[]
The ability to give back to the NPO
1. Nation must be in the NPO. 2. Nation must have been a member for two months. 3. Nation must pledge to use the money for either economic purposes if in peace.
Receiving Nations[]
Dragonisia: $3,000,000
Kainz: $3,000,000
Auric: $3,000,000
Arctaria: $3,000,000
Guardsville: $3,000,000
Slushland: $3,000,000
Kahikla: $3,000,000
Muffasaville: $3,000,000
Empire of Colt 45: $3,000,000
Gankwanker: $9,000,000
Soigacas: $1,000,000
Elmnt80: $1,000,000
Gorgas: $1,000,000
Kalgan: $1,000,000
Tyesk: $1,000,000