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Cyber Nations Wiki


After Zathos was founded in August 1992, it would not be until 5 years later that citizens of the reform would start looking to settle on the southern parts of Gentruse Island, it would be on February 1997 that Narcia would originally be created.
The city would quickly take to the shore and become a major trading port, with an extensive harbor, and massively increasing the revenue of Gentruse Island, and once the Island would become a reserve in 2003 Narcia would be considered the trade capital of the reserve. When Gentruse Island would be declared an independent nation known as Aredan under the command of Reziun Narcia would accept the offer to join Aredan. High General Zenizen Trist would visit the city on April 28, 2009 to deliver the official papers and roles for the city in the new nation. It would be a shorter visit than expected due to the TechRaiders War that would soon emerge.
Later, on May 3, 2009 with General Zenizen becoming the acting Dictator of Aredan, The Federal buildings for the affairs of ATEC would be set to be created on the northern side of the city. Theadric Yest would quickly set up a temporary Headquarters for ATEC that he was responsible for, being the Diplomat of these operations until a Council Member would take place after the elections.

District of Narcia[]


On May 3, 2009 General Zenizen would take over as Dictator of Aredan until the federal government could be reestablished. As one of the acts of General Zenizen he would state that with the increase of population throughout the nation there would be currently two districts established, the District of Zathos and the District of Narcia.
Zenizen would then declare Mr. Azreun Frost, Chancellor of the District of Narcia.

Chancellor Frost[]

Promptly following Chancellor Rhotham in declaring Military Rule, Chancellor Frost would declare Military Guard in the District of Narcia due to the Conscription Act of May 3, as well. This law would allow for the military to control any riots that may uprise quickly. Chancellor Frost would then tell construction crews to create a Chancellors to the eastern edge of the City, near the harbor as requested by General Zenizen.

Trade Center[]

Current Trade Agreements: As of May 3, 2009 these are the current trade agreements to both the Aredan and ATEC.

Current Trades
Name Nation Alliance Trade Date Resource 1 Resource 2
Boomhower Octoid STA 4/26/2009 Aluminum Oil
Edward II Malkadar TOOL 4/26/2009 Coal Gold
Konstantin Emanuel Costa Bonita TPF 4/27/2009 Iron Silver
Esma Everheart Virtuosity STA 4/27/2009 Marble Rubber
Brian Walker British Africa TFD 4/28/2009 Gems Lumber
Name Nation Alliance Trade Date Resource 1 Resource 2
Lawrence The Great West TPF 4/28/2009 Uranium Wheat
ClashPoint Holy Guacamole TPF 4/29/2009 Gold Pigs
Greshick The House of Awesome None 4/29/2009 Aluminum Rubber
Maxer Disneyville TPF 4/29/2009 Iron Oil
Kaiser Thomas The Newtopian States TGE 4/29/2009 Coal Water
Bonus Resources
Nation Resource 1 Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 5 Resource 6 Resource 7
Aredan Steel Automobile Jewelry Construction Microchips Radiation Asphalt
ATEC Steel Microchips N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
