League of Internationally Organized Nations |
Bloc Flag |
Former Signatories |
The League of Internationally Organized Nations (L.I.O.N.) was a bloc agreement between the Equal Rights Alliance, Red Elite Defence, and the Union of Communist Republics. It was canceled by the disbandment and withdrawal of ERA and RED, respectively, on October 5, 2010.
Treaty text[]
1. Preamble[]
L.I.O.N. is a body that stands forth to bring alliances of different colors who are friends together for defense and to share common goals.
2. Sovereignty[]
All undersigning alliances are able to make decisions for their own alliance and have a voice in the bloc on decisions made.
3. Peace, Aid, Trade, Cooperation[]
No alliance in this bloc shall declare war on another bloc member or allow its members to attack a member of another member. All alliances in this bloc are allowed to freely trade, send/receive aid, and sign treaties with alliances- both bloc members and non-members.
Bloc members are obliged to share intelligence critical to the safety of another member alliance. The source of the intelligence may be kept confidential.
Signatories will refrain from public behavior that can be considered hostile to another signatory alliance, and will strive to resolve all conflicts with other signatories in a civil and diplomatic manner.
4. Defense[]
If any member of this bloc is declared upon, the bloc as a whole will come together and decide the actions they shall take as a whole, including the possibility of a block-wide declaration of war in defense of the signatory.
5. Organization[]
Each leader of a member alliance shall send up to 3 delegates to speak on their alliance's behalf, and each alliance will have 1 vote in matters brought forth to the block.
6. Admission[]
If an outside alliance wishes to join the bloc, they must submit to a interview. After the interview the members of the bloc will vote on admission and a two-thirds majority is needed to accept a new member.
7. Ejection[]
Behavior by a member alliance that is deemed unacceptable can be reviewed by the bloc as a whole and voted on by the members of the bloc except for the alliance in question. Ejection of a member takes a three-fourths majority by vote.
8. Cancellation / Departure[]
If any alliance wishes to leave they are welcome to leave after their alliance government has decided to do so. The departing alliance will have a 72 hour wait, during which time they must follow the bloc's articles and if war is being considered in accordance to Article 4 the departing alliance will have a vote in the manner until the 72 hours are complete, and if a decision is made during that time they must honor it.
9. Amendments[]
A two-thirds majority by vote is needed for any member alliances to pass a change.
See also[]
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