Cyber Nations Wiki
Official Flag of Huntonian

National Flag
Artillery - King of Battle of Huntonian
Artillery - King of Battle
Location of Huntonian
Capital City Huntington
Official Language(s) English
Established 5/2/2007
(6,492 days old)
Government Type Democracy Democracy
Alliance The Phoenix Federation
The Phoenix Federation
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: White White
Statistics as of August 31, 2009
Total population 37,949
Literacy Rate 94.30%
Religion Christianity Christianity
Currency Dollar Dollar
Infrastructure 3999.99
Technology 700.92
Nation Strength 23,192.536
Nation Rank 11,345 of 5,242 (216.43%)
Total Area 989.909 Nation Map
Native Resources AluminumRubber
Connected Resources CoalIron Lead LumberMarbleOilRubberPigsUraniumWaterWheat
Bonus Resources SteelAutomobileBeerAsphaltScholarConstruction

kilkenny, current Minister of War for The Phoenix Federation, joined in early Oct 2007 when BANG Alliance merged with TPF. After a brief reprieve in Atarax, rejoined less then three months later.

kilkenny attributes much of his inspiration from people such as;

...JBone- i love his negotiations with a loaded gun approach. several played a roll in how I view CN and my role, Mhawk, E_C, OBM, all the rest of the Atarax founders...

kilkenny has seen his fair share of war, from the BAPS, NoV, GPA through to the most recent Karma war. What does kilkenny have to say about his most memorable moment?

...would have to say the NoV war. I kinda started paying a lot more attention to OWF and participated there more. Kinda got me started down the road to where I am now...