This is a complex list of all important people involved with the history or the activity of the Pacific Empire.
Bit Harvey[]
See: Bit Harvey in the History of the Pacific Empire
The 27th President of the Arctic Federation. He was the one who proposed the creation of ATLANTIS and sought the help of Roy Van Jaegar to fund the project. He directly controlled the military of the Arctic Federation during the war but was able to led poorly because he was overconfident that the enemy would not know of the secret route of their supply lines to ATLANTIS. When the opposing coalition turned the tables on the Arctic Federation, Bit Harvey panicked and tried to flee desperately. Unfortunately, an enemy submarine intercepted his ship and he was killed.
Albert Naldie[]
See: Albert Naldie in the History of the Pacific Empire
An influential citizen of the Republic of the ATLANTIS who saw the oppression being done by the Republican Guards and by the Jaegars. He convinced the public to revolt against Gilliam Jaegar. When he took over the government, he disbanded the Republican Guards, executed Gilliam Jaegar, and exiled the Jaegars from ATLANTIS. He was consumed by his power later on and was abdicated from power by the public.
Roy Mustang[]
Roy Mustang is the appointed Fuhrer and the Chief of Staff of the Military of the Pacific Empire. Roy is Perfect Soldier #13 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation and he has a younger brother just like him, however Roy does not know who their parents are. Roy also perpetrated the massacre of most of the 1st generation of Perfect Soldiers and the destruction of the 1st Perfect Soldier Facility. It was caused by an overdose of the secret drug used for Perfect Soldiers which made Roy lost his consciousness and his Perfect Soldier skills took over his body, making him a rampaging killer.
Roy has two childhood best friends: Yukina Himuro and Frank Jaegar. Roy has always been Yukina's partner in the military and he met Frank when he was 5 years old in the Perfect Soldier Project Facility. Frank always tells Roy to marry Yukina or to take care of his daughters when he is gone but Roy says that he has no feelings for Yukina even though he shows deep concern for her. Roy desires great power but is extremely loyal to Frank. He also seems to know something about what Frank is mysteriously planning.
Roy is an excellent military commander who can predict what would happen in the future through probability and complex computations, giving him an advantage against his enemies. He is physically strong and athletic and can move "so fast that you cannot catch up even on his shadow". He is also smart and knowledgeable, being able to design blueprints for the military and solve any mathematical and scientific questions/problems within seconds.
Roy always carries a black katana and a Mateba Autorevolver with him along with a concealed Heckler & Koch HK45. He also has a black eye patch that covers his right eye, because "that eye is a curse implanted on him, it is the physical manifestation of death and evil". Roy's left eye has a slit black pupil and red iris. His right eye is described by Yukina as something "like a reptile's eye, a snake's eye fixed on its prey". Roy also seems to always wear a black belt that has the imperial flag of the Pacific Empire in the Nazi belt buckle pistol and black commanders' shoes.
Roy is a master of a secret combat technique generally thought to all Perfect Soldiers. Roy derived a more complex combat technique to move/act without being detected, deflect bullets, slice incoming cannon shells, and slice through thick armor. He also has a fast regeneration allowing him to recover from gunshots in seconds and he has quick adaptability giving him the ability to survive any situation even if he has an injury or a missing body part/organ. Generally, because of his overdose he became immortal although he admits that he can still feel pain.
Roy has currently 3 personalities within him which was caused by the massacre. He can shift through these alter egos depending on the situation or job that he needs to do and would even change outfits/uniforms for each persona but would still retain his general characteristics above.
- His first personality is an easy-going, carefree persona. Whenever he is using this personality, his whole body is wrapped in bandages except for his head and wears a white shirt and black slacks. Roy also inherits an optimistic and energetic attitude in this personality. He also seems to be always relaxed and smiling no matter what kind of serious or stressing situation he is in. Yukina says that she saw the torso of this personality without the bandages covering it and describes it as a heavily scarred corpse. This personality also looks oblivious to what danger he is currently in acting like an innocent child, always craving for sweets (particularly chocolates) and always sleeping. Roy prefers to use this persona more often than the others especially if he is going to civilian locations.
- His second personality is a sadistic and cruel persona. Whenever he is using this personality, he wears a black blazer, a black shirt with a loose red necktie, and a customized Imperial Military bulletproof vest. Roy inherits a short temper and can be easily agitated or irritated when in this personality. This persona thinks of humans as inferior beings to Perfect Soldiers and always enjoys killing and hurting/harming humans either physically, emotionally, or mentally. He also seems to enjoy torturing people before finally killing them. Roy usually uses this personality when he has to kill an entire army. This personality seems to be an expert in psychological warfare to which he favors to use against armies or governments of other nations to blackmail and force them to surrender.
- His third personality is a serious and silent persona. Whenever he is using this personality, he wears a black, customized Imperial Military standard combat gear with a black heavy commanders' overcoat and a black peaked cap. Roy inherits a frightening and dark demeanor which silences and scares every person near him, with the exception of Yukina and Frank, who still manages to keep his loud and energetic self. In this persona, the feeling of death is so intense that some people would collapse or be knocked unconscious by his mere presence. This persona also gives a cold feeling and emits a dark miasma behind him. Roy uses this personality in times of war to fully use his capabilities of leading, and killing, beyond the limit.
When not using any of these personalities, Roy has normal emotions and behaviors like a normal person. He wears a military commanders' uniform with a peaked cap together with her regular accessories. He still retains her regular skills and abilities when not using any personality.
Arthur Roa[]
Arthur Roa is the commander of the Imperial Armed Defense Force and a member of the War Council. Arthur is Perfect Soldier #7 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation. He is one of the lucky ones to survive the massacre that Roy Mustang perpetrated. He has a "wife" inside the Perfect Soldier Facility, Lucy Ribbons/Perfect Soldier #58, whom Roy has killed in front of him during the massacre. He hates Roy for what he has done but also accepts the cause of the disaster and "he tries to move forward without looking back into the past" as Frank comments. He has a friendly relationship with Roy whom he has already forgiven and tries to enjoy life to the fullest.
Arthur looks like an old man who has his eyes always shut close and a smile on his face. He also has a warm and gentle personality that always looks like the "big brother" or "grandfather", as Frank Jaegar says, of the council. Arthur dresses in a Japanese style oriental clothing as casual clothes and wears a customized ceremonial commanders' uniform that looks like a Nazi Germany officers' uniform when in office, Frank explains that Arthur's emperor is Adolf Hitler which is why he cosplays as a Nazi commander.
Arthur possess a limited omniscience ability and has a strong physical and athletic strength despite his elderly image. Arthur uses his favorite weapons in combat, a scythe, a Sauer 38H and a Walther P38, although he can also generally use all firearms due to the training he received. He is also a master of the Perfect Soldier combat technique. Arthur was also "upgraded" to have the same immortality skill of Roy through an emulation of the overdose effect in a controlled environment. Arthur eyes acquired slit pupils with red irises due to the "upgrade". The unusual eyes gives him, and the others, the ability to see what cannot normally be seen.
Franz Emile Break[]
Franz Emile is the commander of the Imperial Invasion Force and a member of the War Council. Franz is Perfect Soldier #27 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation. He is one of the lucky ones to survive the massacre that Roy Mustang perpetrated although he had suffered an injury in his left leg from the event. He despises Roy for what had happened but still collaborates with him because he says that he "has a duty to commit himself to, at the cost of everything".
Franz looks like a middle-aged man with a stern, serious look on his face at all times. He is level-headed yet cruel and is a radical loyal supporter of the Jaegar Family. Franz is also a good military commander who specializes in shock-and-awe tactics, he also favors using superior numbers to annihilate his opponents and enjoys causing undue amounts of suffering. Franz is also a master on the Perfect Soldier combat technique but because of his leg injury, he avoids using the technique or even fighting again. Frank Jaegar comments that Franz is more suited doing paperwork and giving orders behind a desk than going to the battlefield and doing the actual combat by himself. Franz can also use any kind of firearm or weapon because of his training. Like Arthur, Franz was also "upgraded" using the overdose effect to achieve immortality and he acquired the slit pupils with red irises eyes also.
Franz wears a customized ceremonial commanders' uniform like Arthur but unlike him, Franz's getup looks like a Soviet Union officers' uniform, Frank explains that Franz's emperor is Josef Stalin which is why he cosplays as a Soviet commander. He also always have a walking stick that is a combination of a swordstick and a cane gun that he uses for self-defense along with a self-improvised technique derived from his training. He also uses a concealed Makarov pistol hidden in his uniform as his last weapon of choice.
Yukina Himuro[]
Yukina Himuro is the commander of the Imperial Intelligence and Covert Operations Agency and a member of the War Council. Yukina is Perfect Soldier #46 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation. She deliberately engaged Roy Mustang in combat when he perpetrated the massacre and is credited for stopping Roy's rampage.
Yukina has two childhood best friends: Roy Mustang and Frank Jaegar. She has always been Roy's partner in the military and she met Frank when she was 5 years old in the Perfect Soldier Project Facility. Frank always tells her to marry Roy or to take care of his daughters when he is gone but Yukina says that she has no feelings for Roy but she shows deep concern for him. Yukina promised to always stay by Roy's side and to support him in his dream. She also seems to know something about what Frank is mysteriously planning.
Yukina has a silent and cold personality that actually hides her emotional side. She always worries about Roy and Frank's actions and reckless behavior and acts likes a "big sister" or "mother", as Frank says, to them. She wears a three-piece suit with a white shirt and red necktie, black waistcoat, and a black notched-lapel jacket, that is usually worn by men, while wearing a black miniskirt with knee-high black socks and black shoes.
Yukina is a master of the Perfect Soldier combat technique and an expert in CQC. She is also a master of virtually any weapon, whether it be a firearm or a blade and can use anything, like common items, as a weapon. Yukina is a master of blending within the background, which makes her a very stealthy soldier. She could also disappear suddenly and then appear at a certain location within seconds, giving her the ability of teleportation. She can also use clairvoyance to a certain extent and also read her opponents mind. Yukina can also predict the future like what Roy can do. She can also move without being detected either because of her amazing speed or because of her efficient stealth technique. Yukina is also the empire's ace sniper.
Yukina also has the special talent of being able to completely "steal" the life of a person and "use" it. She can copy a person's attitude, behavior, mannerism, habits, voice, thought pattern, mentality, actions, movements, and the likes. Yukina is also a genius when it comes to disguising and concealing her presence. She could also carry multiple side arms, blades, first-aid supplies, ammunition, and necessities with her without needing a bag since Yukina believes that one must always be prepared for anything that would come unexpected. She generally favors any firearm that can be fitted with a suppressor, like the Heckler & Koch Mark 23, the MAC-11, and the Accuracy International AWM. She was "upgraded" through the same method to have the same immortality as Roy and she also had the slit pupils with red irises eyes.
Because of Yukina's stealth capabilities, she is an effective spy and assassin. She prefers to use one-hit-kill using her secret assassin technique derived from her training. She was also appointed by Frank to her current position because of her skills and abilities. However, Frank's real reason to appoint her in that position is to make sure that no one would oppose him inside the government and to monitor all of his top officials' activities.
Celio Mustang[]
Celio Mustang is one of the commanders of the Imperial Royal Guards and a member of the War Council. Celio is Perfect Soldier #14 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation and the younger brother of Roy Mustang. He helped Yukina Himuro to stop his brother's rampage during the massacre of most of the 1st generation Perfect Soldiers.
Celio looks like a silent and serious young man but he is actually always nervous and worried about Frank's recklessness and carelessness. Celio idolizes his elder brother and as such he always tries to imitate his brother. He also wears a white eye patch and glasses even though both of his eyes are "normal" having slit pupils and red irises unlike his brother's eyes. Celio dresses in a tuxedo but sometimes he wears the emperor's ceremonial clothing because Frank Jaegar orders him to wear it instead because Frank hates the clothing.
Celio was also "upgraded" into having immortality like his brother. He also always carries a double-edged long sword with a Ruger Security Six and a concealed Glock 35 to imitate his brother. Celio is also a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and he could efficiently wield any weapon. Celio is an expert swordsman with quick reflexes and specializes in countering enemy attacks. He is not good at giving orders, because he is always nervous and he finds it hard to communicate to other people, and takes it to himself to do the actual combat instead of being the commander.
As a swordsman, Celio can deflect bullets and slice through cannon shells. He can also produce "wind slashes" by swinging his sword in a quick sweeping motion. Celio can also slice through heavy armor and even bunkers. He can also kill multiple enemies at one slash of his sword. Celio also taught himself the ability to destroy anything that he passes through in a "dash attack" and to damage/slash the enemies' internal organs while not injuring the skin or flesh. While he may not be as physically strong as his brother or Arthur, his agility and dexterity is more exceptional than them. He also learned the basics of concealing himself through Yukina and he can mimic other people's voices perfectly. Celio has also learned how to disguise himself and to "teleport" like Yukina. Celio also has an exceptional eye sight, he can track any target and see any movement/detail within his range.
Klaus Krupp[]
Klaus Krupp is one of the commanders of the Imperial Royal Guards and a member of the War Council. He is Perfect Soldier #1 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation. Klaus escaped the massacre that Roy Mustang perpetrated because he was already deployed as the personal butler/bodyguard of Frank Jaegar when Frank was in his youth. Frank called Klaus back from retirement not for his own protection but for his daughters'.
Klaus appears as a stereotype old butler dressed in a suit with a necktie with thick glasses and mustache. Although Klaus may look serious, but he is actually fun-loving and would usually encourage Frank to do reckless things. Klaus does not show much concern for his "young master" except when it comes to serious matter.
Klaus is a very strong opponent and he uses a pistol sword as a weapon. He is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and of the BLITZ style, making him the few people who knows about it. Unfortunately, he does not know how to wield any other weapon except for his pistol sword. He rejects offers of being "upgraded" it seems like he already have immortality even without the "upgrade". Klaus also has excellent observation and deduction skills and is a good stealth fighter. He may seem to be physically weaker than Hilda Garde but he is definitely faster than her. He is also a good commander and strategist and is also good at repairing broken things.
Hilda Garde[]
Hilda Garde is one of the commanders of the Imperial Royal Guards and a member of the War Council. She is Perfect Soldier #2 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation. Hilda escaped the massacre that Roy Mustang perpetrated because she was already deployed as the personal maid/bodyguard of Frank Jaegar when Frank was in his youth. Frank called Hilda back from retirement not for his own protection but for his daughters'.
Hilda appears as a serious and cold woman but she really cares a lot about her "young master" and Frank's daughters. She is dressed in a gothic lolita version of a maid costume clutching a black umbrella with her long blonde hair tied in a bun and her bangs covering her right eye. She has a different set of eye color, the left is green while the right is blue. It is unknown whether she was "upgraded" like the other surviving 1st generation Perfect Soldiers but it seems like she already had immortality before Roy acquired it.
Hilda is a very strong opponent and she uses her umbrella as a weapon. Her umbrella has a poison needle and gun barrel at the tip and the handle can also be separated from the body to reveal a sword. She is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and of the BLITZ style, making her the few people who knows about it. Unfortunately, she does not know how to wield any other weapon except for her "multi-purpose" umbrella. With her bare hands, she could punch a hole through an armor and could also move extremely fast. Hilda is also a linguist and a master of tricking people through vocal interaction. She is also a good cook and in doing other household chores.
Vlad Severin[]
Vlad Severin is one of the commanders of the notorious Imperial Legion of Autonomous Warriors and a member of the War Council. Vlad is Perfect Soldier #116 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. He despises Roy Mustang for killing his "father", Pepe Langlace/Perfect Soldier #99, in the massacre that Roy perpetrated. He is also jealous of Roy's amazing abilities. Vlad has an anti-social behaviour and he absolutely hates anyone and everyone, even the emperor. Frank Jaegar seems to know about this and has ordered Yukina Himuro to plant a spy within the I-LAW because Frank suspects a coup d'etat against the Jaegar regime.
Vlad does not appear much in the public is always marked absent in every important meeting held by the government. He is described by Frank as a modern vampire, having a ponytail and a cape while wearing a "Count Dracula costume". Not much is known about him except for the information that came from the records of the Perfect Soldier Facility. Vlad has a weak constitution and always needs medical attention but he has exceptional talents in commanding. He also specializes in psychological warfare and in stealth techniques. However, Vlad failed mastering the Perfect Soldier combat technique because of his poor health instead he is a master in using firearms. His favorite weapon is a Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver.
Vlad launched a coup d'etat against Frank Jaegar and started to invade foreign territories. During the course of his rebellion he was able to gain multiple territories that were later added to the Pacific Empire. Vlad was caught when he tried to assassinate the emperor and failed. He was soon sent back to the Perfect Soldier Project Facility to have his memory reprogrammed.
Rupert Daigo[]
Rupert Daigo is one of the commanders of the Imperial Legion of Autonomous Warriors and a member of the War Council. He is Perfect Soldier #168 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Rupert looks like a 19th century gentleman and Frank Jaegar nicknames Rupert as "Jack the Ripper". He is proficient in using knives, daggers and other small blades. Rupert also likes to use chains and threads to limit his assailants' movements and to suppress them. Rupert is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and he is a sadist with a lust for human blood. Frank appointed him into office so that an autocratic rule would not be possible in the I-LAW.
Joanne Arche[]
Joanne Arche is one of the commanders of the Imperial Legion of Autonomous Warriors and a member of the War Council. She is Perfect Soldier #107 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Joanne looks like a knight dressed in her customized female-version of a medieval armor. She uses a two kinds of customized shields: one is a huge shield with a broadsword and lance attached to it and the other is a shield with a cannon, flamethrower and machine gun. Joanne is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique but she does not uses it in conjunction with her weapons. She is also silent and passive and would only act depending on the orders given to her. Frank Jaegar appointed him into office to watch over Vlad Severin and Rupert Daigo.
Nero Sigfrid[]
Nero Sigfrid is the Director-General of the Department of Imperial Defense. Nero is Perfect Soldier #109 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat and could efficiently wield any weapon because of his training. However when he focused his training into commanding and managing in preparation for his position, he gained so much weight and has lost his superior combat skills. Frank Jaegar ordered him to return to combat training and he is currently devising an improvised personal combat technique derived from the Perfect Soldier technique. Currently, Nero has decreased his weight considerably and is now filling his loose clothes with submachine guns like the Uzi, MAC-10, MAC-11, Heckler & Koch UMP, Heckler & Koch MP7, and the Heckler & Koch MP5 among others. This amazingly huge stockpile of weapons inside his clothes just makes Frank curious as to how fat Nero really was before his training.
Alice Liddel[]
Alice Liddel is the Director-General of the Department of Health. Alice is an expert surgeon, medical researcher, and drug chemist even though she is still just a child. She wears a white shirt with a red tie and a miniskirt with white socks and black school shoes, she also wears an adult-sized white coat. She has developed a mature attitude even though she is just a "little lady" and is currently studying in the BLITZ University's School of Medicine. Alice likes sweets, especially big lollipops and cakes. She also plays with her teddy bear and arranges a "tea party" everyday instead of doing paperwork, sometimes Frank Jaegar joins her and her teddy to escape from his paperwork too.
Shia Yuuma[]
Shia Yuuma is the Director-General of the Department of Education. Shia, like a few others, was appointed by Frank Jaegar to office suddenly without proper explanation. She is a student of the BLITZ University's School of Government because her parents, who are prominent members of the Imperial Senate, wanted her to follow their footsteps. Shia wears the female uniform of the BLITZ University both during office and wears clothing of lolita fashion as casual clothes because Frank says that it would suit her small height and child-like/doll-like appearance. Shia is a classmate of Ron Aquino and can be always seen with him. She also has feelings for Ron and she shows deep concern for him.
She shows no emotion to the general public but acts like a child when left alone with the people she's comfortable with. She acts and speaks bluntly about her ideas and opinions to which Frank sees as "amusing" and "charming". Shia also likes sweets, especially ice cream and cakes and heavily dislikes fish and vegetables. Sometimes, Shia joins Alice Liddel in her "tea parties" but only after she has finished her work unlike the other two.
A year before Shia was appointed as a Director-General, Ron confessed to her. Thinking that Ron is just like her other suitors, Shia turned him down and instead of crying or getting angry, as she has expected, Ron smiled and said that it was obvious that she will reject him since they do not even share a small bond. Ron gave her a big stuffed rabbit as a reminder of his love for her and Shia keeps it very close to her since she said that she cannot sleep without it by her side. Shia revealed that she still vividly remembers Ron's confession to her and that she regrets rejecting Ron's love. Shia always quarrels with Alice Ortensia because of Ron but they still help each other. Shia also gets frustrated and disappointed on how dense Ron can be when she tries to flirt or seduce him.
Nagi Athena Hinagiku[]
Athena is the Director-General of the Department of Finance and Treasury. She is an aristocratic young woman, who is a friend of Lilianne Rin Jaegar. Athena grew up as the heiress to her family's vast corporate empire and became a spoiled brat with social issues because of her parents' upbringing and environment.
Frank Jaegar met her for the first time in a party organized by Athena's parents when she was 10 years old. At that party, Frank told Rin to approach Athena but the two just fought with each other, prompting Frank to force them to be friends. Frank supervises Rin and Athena's friendship and even though the both of them argue a lot, they are actually on good terms with each other.
Frank appointed her into office believing that she is "a lucky charm that would prevent bankruptcy and increase income". Athena is currently struggling to manage both the government's budget and her family's business. She hates Frank for giving her extra burden but actually thanks him from the inside because Frank cured her social problems and gave her a friend.
Zepia Eltnam Brunestud[]
Zepia Eltnam is the Director-General of the Department of Technology and Modernization. He is Perfect Soldier #117 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation, the secret "twin" of Vlad Severin for both of them share the same DNA sequence. Zepia does not care of anything else as long as he can continue his personal research.
Frank Jaegar appointed Zepia into position after he curiously read Zepia's thesis, theories, numerous designs and blueprints. Frank believes in Zepia's abilities as a scientist and inventor and has given Zepia the approval to use any equipment and funds that he may need for his research. Zepia is extremely loyal to Frank for this reason and always gives constant reports of his work's progress to Frank.
Zepia is just like Vlad in appearance except that he does not tie his hair. Zepia also has the same body and health as Vlad but they differ in abilities. Zepia is an "alchemist" having the ability to reconstruct matter and physical objects and is a master of chemistry and mathematics. He also specializes in stealth techniques and has mastered the secret combat technique of the Perfect Soldiers despite his frail constitution. Zepia hates using firearms and has rejected training on how to use them, instead he uses daggers and knives as his melee and ranged weapons.
Michael Ciel Valdamjong[]
Michael Ciel is the Director-General of the Department of Trade and Work. He is Perfect Soldier #134 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. He is a workaholic and a psychopath who looks like a stereotype slim businessman wearing glasses and holding a briefcase. Ciel likes doing paperwork alone when he is not assigned to do any special mission.
It was revealed by Ciel that his briefcase not just holds a laptop and numerous files and reports, but it also has a secret compartment filled with guns, blades and ammunition. Ciel's favorite weapon is a Beretta 92 and a balisong knife which he keeps in his trouser's side pockets. He is also a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and has monstrous strength and speed despite his looks.
Dawn Merem Solomon[]
Dawn Solomon is the Director-General of the Department of Infrastructure and Land Development. He is Perfect Soldier #193 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Dawn failed to master the Perfect Soldier technique because he always skips his training and frequently escapes from the Perfect Soldier Project Facility. He instead developed his own style of fighting which has incorporated moves from Parkour and Ninjutsu. He also does not use any kind of weapon, either blades or firearms, because he states that his body is already a weapon by itself. Dawn has a fascination for ancient and antique artifacts as well as with building architecture which made him to be appointed into position. Although his job is to "develop" the territories of the empire, Dawn usually rejects plans of destroying old and abandoned buildings because of his hobby.
Fernand Blackmore[]
Fernand Blackmore is the Director-General of the Department of Justice. He is Perfect Soldier #77 of the 1st Perfect Soldier generation and is one of the lucky survivors of the massacre that Roy Mustang perpetrated. He bears no grudge against Roy after hearing the cause of the event. He has also been "upgraded" just like the other survivors. Fernand looks like a middle-aged grumpy and intimidating man. He always seems to be busy and always carrying a pocket watch and a small notebook. He is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique but he rarely fights since he says that "fighting is not his job at the moment". He also only brings with him one weapon for self-defense, a Ruger Speed Six, because he says that "his current job does not require him to bring weapons". Fernand is fully dedicated to any job or role he is appointed to but is also stubborn and forceful about his ideas.
Emmanuel Ron Aquino[]
Ron Aquino is the Director-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Ron is a tall teenager who wears a bulletproof suit when he is in office or when he is in classes. He is a student with a scholarship in the BLITZ University's School of Government and is currently studying international studies. Ron was appointed into position by Frank Jaegar without proper reason except that Frank "has grown tired of seeing dull faces" and that he "wants to stare at new faces because it's much more fun to do meetings that way". Ron also hates being called Emmanuel for some reason.
Ron is an orphan with no other family members who grew up without having someone to rely on to. He grew up having to take care of himself and think of ways to survive at such a young age. Because of this, Ron became very independent and hardworking. He has great self-discipline and learned a lot of tricks from his harsh life, most of these though came from a certain mafia that he used to work for before it was disbanded by the government. Ron hates people who sympathize him and he also hates talking about his past.
Ron is a classmate of Shia Yuuma and was never close to her before they became Director-Generals. Ron had a crush with Shia before and confessed to her his feelings a year prior their appointment into office. Shia rejected Ron's confession and he just smiled and gave her a big stuffed cat so that Shia could remember him amongst her many suitors. Ron was shocked when he saw the emperor sleeping in his apartment room and suddenly appointing him as a Director-General. After his unofficial appointment into office, Ron was surprised to find out that Shia was also appointed and Ron tried to take this chance to befriend her but without any romantic interests. As of now, Ron is always seen together with Shia whether in school or when they are working, and he seems to always care for Shia. Ron also acts as "a knight in shining armor, ready to protect his defenseless princess whith his bloody sword and shield" according to Frank. It is unknown whether Ron still have feelings for Shia or not. Ron is also oblivious to the fact that Alice Ortensia and Shia are fighting over his feelings.
Ron knows a defensive martial arts and has superior athletic and physical abilities on par with Perfect Soldiers. He can also wield daggers, knives, and other blades on the same level as Perfect Soldiers. Ron also has expert knowledge in using guns however he tends to be trigger happy and he is currently trying to solve this problem. Ron is also resourceful and could use just about anything that he touches as a weapon or at least an advantage during combat. It was also revealed when Shia removed Roy's glasses, that he is nearly blind but he can use his other senses to such an extent that he does not even need eyesight. Ron always brings a concealed Heckler & Koch P2000, because Frank warned him that "he would be needing a weapon soon enough". Frank also gave Ron a stockpile of different weapons and ammunition, all coming from Heckler & Koch, when they first met and Roy has it hidden in a secret room within his apartment.
Merem Vandelstam[]
Merem Vandelstam is the Director-General of the Department of Interior Government Management. He is Perfect Soldier #187 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Merem looks like a sleepy young boy with big eyebags and neck-long hair dressed in a white surplice over a black Roman cassock. He specializes in concealing his presence and in espionage, his stealth techniques are even on par with Yukina Himuro.
Merem is very curious about humans and their way of life; in fact he is so much curious that instead of working, he observes how his employees work and interact with each other. He is also curious about emotions, feelings and love which he tries to understand and emulate. Merem is not a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and he kills his targets innocently or "by accident" as Frank Jaegar describes. Merem kills his opponents by "disecting" them with a large scalpel in order to "understand what they are" as he explains. He sometimes uses common items around him as a weapon, questioning his assailant first whether his current "weapon" can kill a human before "testing" it on his opponent if it is lethal. Merem does not use firearms and most of his favorite weapons are surgical instruments especially scalpels.
Ranpha Kuesu[]
Ranpha Kuesu is the Dirctor-General of the Department of Tourism and Promotion. She is currently the girlfriend of Emperor Frank Jaegar and she easily becomes jealous or angry when Frank "flirts" with other women. Even though Frank has already stated that he has no intentions of marrying again, he and Ranpha looks and acts like a married couple, sometimes they even make public displays of affection.
Ranpha is described by Frank as "the most beautiful and perfect woman I have ever seen.....only second from my wife". Ranpha is a blonde young woman with a buxom and voluptuous body, which makes her very popular among men. Frank met her when she was modeling in a bikini on the beaches of Colony 6. There, Frank appointed her into position because "she would make a good tourism promoter for the empire, the world will know of our heavenly beautiful beaches".
Ranpha personally cooks and tends to Frank's medical concerns. She currently lives with Frank in the Imperial Jaegar Castle and wears a "wedding" ring. She also seems to know something about the mysterious plan that Frank has. Frank advised her that she needs to learn how to use a gun and currently she is always bringing a concealed Heckler & Koch P30.
Chizuru Vanilla Mafuyu[]
Chizuru Mafuyu is the Director-General of the Department of Environment Protection. She is a shy cute girl who used to be a secretary of an environmentalist NGO in the empire before Frank "scouted" her. Mafuyu is a passive girl who just goes with the flow, she joined the said NGO as a promise to herself that "she would do what she wants to do confidently". Frank said that she must push it to the limit and appointed her to office for the same reason. Frank made her come with him in the Rio Summit despite Mafuyu's protest since she does not want to garner too much attention.
Alexander Leon[]
Alexander Leon is the Governor-General of Colony 1. He is Perfect Soldier #162 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Alexander is a gruff and intimidating commander that takes everything said to him seriously. Frank Jaegar appointed him into position to establish order in the seemingly lawless colony, although Frank says that he just meant the appointment as a joke that Alexander took seriously. Alexander is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and can wield any weapon efficiently. He does not also hesitate to kill people or to give the order to open fire on civilians/protesters. His favorite weapon is a customized Thompson Contender.
Lacus Yamato[]
Lacus Yamato is the Governor-General of Colony 2. She is kind and compassionate and she likes children very much. Lacus has constructed several orphanages, feeding centers and schools in the colony because of her inclination to children. She sometimes personally teaches and gives speeches in schools because she wants "to be close to the empire's future". Lacus advocates peace and kindness in her colony, and the people likes the gentle governor. Under her governance, Colony 2 has became prosperous and peaceful.
Fang Liu Mei[]
Liu Mei is the Governor-General of Colony 3. She is very energetic and passionate to her job and is often easily inspired by the things around her. Liu Mei is blunt in saying what she wants or even in talking to other people. She likes organizing sports festivals and surprise special activities. Liu Mei gladly takes pride that her colony's people is the work force of the empire.
Sergei Pang Hercules[]
Sergei Hercules is the Governor-General of Colony 4. He is Perfect Soldier #147 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. He does not speak too much for he believes that it is better to put words into actions, Frank Jaegar also describes him as a "man of action". Besides being a Governor-General, he is also the warden of the Imperial Jail Facility since the colony was fully converted into a prison. As a warden, Sergei does not give paroles and believes that every criminal must pay for his crime through blood. He uses a broadsword as his only weapon of choice and does not use any firearms. Although he was forced to use a FN Five-seven pistol in the past when his broadsword was knocked away from him, he still keeps the pistol and it is rumored that he conceals it within his uniform.
Euphemia Clyne[]
Euphemia Clyne is the Governor-General of Colony 5. She is a merciful and generous environmentalist. Before becoming a Governor-General, she was the president and one of the founders of the NGO that Mafuyu joined. Now, she dedicates her life in protecting the environment and wildlife of Colony 5. Euphemia is a huge advocate for environmental protection and she has no mercy for hunters, loggers, and other "legal murderers".
Caren Franboise[]
Caren Franboise is the Governor-General of Colony 6. She is a friend of Ranpha and like her, Caren also has a good figure. Her unofficial office is the beach where she usually spends most of her time instead of doing paperwork and her usual uniform is a bikini. She is very flirtitious and has a long list of ex-boyfriends. Caren is responsible for placing the ridiculously heavy fines for anyone caught "polluting the beauty of the beaches".
Lily Sabre[]
Lily Sabre is the Governor-General of Colony 7. She is Perfect Soldier #124 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Sabre is an excellent combatant and her swordsmanship is on par with Celio Mustang. She uses a claymore as her primary weapon and an assorted variety of daggers as throwing weapons. Sabre has a buxom body which she uses to seduce her male assailants before brutally killing them. Sabre does not share the common fast regeneration abilities of 2nd generation Perfect Soldiers but she still has immortality. Instead her skin, although still soft and "normal", acts like a heavy plating of armor where neither bullets nor blades could penetrate and she is also unable to feel physical pain. Sabre also has a playful, child-like attitude but has a monstrously strong physical strength.
Lottie Parfacy[]
Lottie Parfacy is the Governor-General of Colony 8. She is a gentle and sweet young woman who lives a contented and peaceful life. Lottie subsidizes fertilizers and farming equipment so that her people could work in their farms easily and productively. She believes in hard work and personally teaches/trains the farmers of her colony new methods of farming productively. She also likes to organize a lot of festivals and to give out free farming supplies.
Raven Bandersnatch[]
Raven Bandersnatch is the Governor-General of Colony 9. He is Perfect Soldier #173 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation and he has a twin very much like him. He is a mysterious and silent person with a white mask while wearing a black trench coat, a black shirt with a white tie, black slacks, black shoes, and a black fedora. He rarely shows in public and is an expert in using stealth techniques. He uses dual customized Ruger Super Redhawks as his primary and favorite weapon.
Cheshire Jabberwock[]
Cheshire Jabberwock is the Governor-General of Colony 10. He is Perfect Soldier #174 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation and he has a twin very much like him. He is a mysterious and silent person with a black mask while wearing a white trench coat, a white shirt with a black tie, white slacks, white shoes, and a white fedora. He rarely shows in public and is an expert in using stealth techniques. He uses dual customized Ruger Vaqueros as his primary and favorite weapon.
Alice Ortensia[]
Alice Ortensia is the Governor-General of Colony 11. She is still a student in the BLITZ University's School of Economics but she is a promising and excellent economist. Frank Jaegar "scouted" her like Shia Yuuma and Ron Aquino because they were the best students in the BLITZ University. Alice wears a customized version of the female uniform of the university that she wears both in classes and in office. She is the one responsible for reconstructing Colony 11 into a "transaction island" to prove her thesis about the effectiveness of a 100% economic inclined and focused government.
Alice was singlehandedly raised by her father because her parents got divorced when she was just a baby. But still, her father was always busy with work and Alice was always left alone with her maid, whom she considered her mother. In a bid to make her father look at her instead of work, Alice chosed economics as her course and studied hard garnering awards and respect from her classmates. However, Alice's father did not congratulated her even once. Instead Frank, who was present there at that time for he suddenly got lost going to a tea party, was the one who congratulated her and appointed her into position as a reward for her efforts.
Alice also seems to have feelings for Ron since she always tries to get his attention and to seduce him. She also always prepares meals for Ron, which he states are very delicious, much to Shia's anger and jealousy. Because of their feelings, Alice and Shia are always arguing and are on bad terms although they sometimes help each other.
Glen Rufus Zai[]
Rufus Zai is the Governor-General of Colony 12. He is Perfect Soldier #143 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. It is unknown why Frank Jaegar decided to appoint a Perfect Soldier to be the Governor-General of a relatively peaceful colony but some suspect that it is because there is a secret military base within Colony 12. Zai is notorious for being a slacker who hates working and uses his office computer for personal business and entertainment instead of work. Zai is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and he specializes in using daggers and knives in conjunction with this technique. He also uses a customized modern cinqueda as his favorite weapon. Zai dislikes using firearms and only uses a single IMI Desert Eagle as an exception.
Jack Phillipe[]
Jack Philippe is the Governor-General of Colony 13. He is Perfect Soldier #156 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Jack is the "caretaker" of the Jaegar Vacation Castle in the colony. Jack looks like a stereotypical butler, an old man with glasses and mustache in a suit with a bow tie who is extremely loyal to his master. He is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and uses a Jericho 941. Jack has surprising speed and humongous strength considering his appearance.
Brian Roscoe[]
Brian Roscoe is the Governor-General of Colony 14. He is a slick businessman and an excellent swindler. Brian is good at communicating with other people and uses this to his advantage when he is tricking people to sign a contract or when selling products. He is also a skilled artisan and could procure a replica of anything that he has seen and touched to such an extent.
Cordelia Gallo[]
Cordelia Gallo is the Governor-General of Colony 15. She is a beautiful and silent lady that looks like a 13 year old blonde girl. Cordelia always wears a dress and a small hat on top of her long, flowing hair. Cordelia can move fast even with the handicapped given to her by her dress. She is also notorious for being a cunning tactician and strategist.
Victorique de Blois[]
Victorique de Blois is the Governor-General of Colony 16. She is a beautiful and small blonde child who always wears a Victorian dress with a lot frills and laces. Victorique is almost doll-like but has a voice of an old woman and smokes a white ceramic pipe. She has amazing observation and deductive skills that are on par with Klaus Krupp. She likes sweets very much and her hobby is reading. Victorique also has a sharp tongue and abusive bluntness but is also childish.
Anya Fidget[]
Anya Fidget is the Governor-General of Colony 17. She is Perfect Soldier #177 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. She is silent and serious girl who looks innocent but is actually deadly. She usually wears a sleeveless shirt and short shorts with headphones to keep her from being distracted when she is "hunting". Anya is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique and can wield any weapon given to her. She favors using sniper rifles and she is an ace sniper. Anya uses either a customized Heckler & Koch PSG1 or a customized Dragunov SVD. It is unknown why Frank Jaegar appointed Anya as a Governor-General but some suspect it is because there is a secret military facility in the colony.
Alejandro Tigre[]
Alejandro Tigre is the Governor-General of Colony 18. He is Perfect Soldier #138 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Alejandro is overambitious, arrogant and an egomaniac with a case of narcissism. He is a linguist and has excellent stealth techniques. Alejandro is a good saboteur and spy because of his stealth. He is a master of the Perfect Soldier technique but rarely fights because he deems his opponents "unworthy". It is unknown why Frank Jaegar appointed Alejandro as a Governor-General but some suspect it is because there is a secret military facility in the colony.
Roy Kazekage[]
Roy Kazekage is the Government-General of Colony 19. He is Perfect Soldier #112 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation. Roy is a cocky man who likes to intimidate and anger his opponents. He appears as a young man with huge eyebags dressed in a black shirt with a red tie and black slacks. Roy is a master of stealth techniques and of wielding any weapon however he did not master the Perfect Soldier technique because he believes that his "pawns must do the grunt work". Roy is an excellent interrogator who can tell whether the subject is lying or not. He is also good at distorting the truth and at persuading people to believe at his lies. Roy is also good at setting up traps and he can set up as much as five different traps in just one minute. His most prominent ability is in commnading and leading an army, Roy can predict enemy movements and has hightened spatial-temporal reasoning which gives him an edge against other commanders.
Lara Selvanas[]
Lara Selvanas is the Governor-General of Colony 20. She used to work as the president of a shipping line before the I-LAW invaded her homeland. She is good in solving financial crisises and in landing business deals. She also knows how to speak other languages and dialects and is good at communicating with other people.
Luna Langrange[]
Luna Langrange is the Governor-General of Colony 21. She is an expert in space science and in physics. Her dream is to go to space and conduct her work there however she is afraid of going out of her laboratory and she does not like doing physical activities. Luna is the chief designer of the mass driver that has been constructed in the colony.
Zick Voltur[]
Zick Voltur is the Governor-General of Colony 22. He is an expert in information technology and computer engineering. Zick plans to be a CEO of his own company that covers his broad interest. He open up his own company but he sold it months after its creation because of financial and managing problems. Fran Jaegar appointed him into office to "help him achieve his dreams".
Animus Valkyria[]
Animus Valkyria is the Governor-General of the Arctic Federation. He is Perfect Soldier #198 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation and has a "twin sister" like him. Animus is a self-proclaimed god who has a severe combination of god complex and messiah complex. He abstained from learing the Perfect Soldier technique and instead has acquired psychic and extrasensory perception abilities such as psychokinesis, teleportation, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. He could also give life to inanimate objects or dead organisms and could perform alchemy. Frank Jaegar appointed him into position to act as a deterrence against foreing threats to the colony since it is the farthest away from the mainland and that reinforcements would take up days to arrive there.
Anima Valkyria[]
Anima Valkyria is the Governor-General of the Penguin Village. She is Perfect Soldier #197 of the 2nd Perfect Soldier generation and has a "twin brother" like him. Anima is a shy girl who has a bottomless stomach. She abstained from learing the Perfect Soldier technique and instead has acquired psychic and extrasensory perception abilities such as psychokinesis, teleportation, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. She could also give life to inanimate objects or dead organisms and could perform alchemy. Frank Jaegar appointed her into position to act as a vanguard against foreing threats to the colony since it has numerous facilities and institutes constructed in it.