Medal Name
The Empire War Campaign Medal |
This award is given to those IRON members who answered to the call of war against The Empire. Despite the threats presented by war, these individuals fought fearlessly to bring upon the destruction of The Empire.
The Empire War Nuclear Accolade |
This award is given to those members who were attacked with a nuclear weapon during The Empire War. For their sacrifices and courage, we honor them with this award.
The Empire War Support Medal |
This award is given to members who helped aid our fighting nations during The Empire war. Selflessly these individuals answered the call for help and undoubtedly impacted the outcome of the war.
FAN War Campaign Medal |
For the numerous IRON members that actively fought FAN nations on the field of battle during the FAN war we honor you with this campaign medal.
FAN War Nuclear Accolade |
For the IRON members who fought during the FAN war that experienced the full force of a nuclear weapon on the field of battle.
FAN War Support Medal |
For those IRON members who sent aid during the darkest hours of the FAN war; with many IRON nations in nuclear anarchy or in need of funds to replenish their mighty armies to fight once more.
Unjust War Campaign Medal |
These people have answered the call for war, rising above what IRON leadership could have realistically expected, it is this group that is largely attributable to the surrender of The Order of Light to IRON.
Unjust War Nuclear Accolade |
As with all prior alliance wars, IRON has provided its membership who were on the receiving end of nuclear weapons with a different campaign medal to signify the additional sacrifice and burden these nations have had to bear.
Unjust War Ground Zero Award |
The Ground Zero Award is a new award added to commemorate the inevitably larger IRON nations who fought tooth and nail in the Unjust War for The Republic.
Unjust War AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades either in IRON or fighting in the ~ Coalition.
GPA War Campaign Medal |
For participating in the GPA War Campaign.
GPA War Nuclear Accolade |
For the IRON members who fought during the GPA war that experienced the full force of a nuclear weapon on the field of battle.
GPA War AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades in IRON.
GATO War Campaign Medal |
For participating in the GATO War Campaign.
GATO War AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades in IRON.
NV/PUKE Campaign Medal |
For participating in the NV/PUKE Campaign.
NV/PUKE Campaign Nuclear Accolade |
For the IRON members who fought during the NV/PUKE Campaign that experienced the full force of a nuclear weapon on the field of battle.
NV/PUKE Campaign AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades in IRON.
Karma Campaign Medal |
This was one of the greatest wars ever, and as such almost every single IRON nation fought in it. This award is given to all IRON nations who fought, side by side with their brothers and sisters.
Karma Campaign ZI Medal |
Most nations lost several thousand levels of infrastructure fighting and receiving nukes. Yet a couple nations took much more, sacrificing all their infrastructure to protect their IRON brothers. Such sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
Karma Nuclear Campaign Accolade |
For the IRON members who fought during the Karma War that experienced the full force of a nuclear weapon on the field of battle. Levels: 1-5 nukes taken, 6-10 nukes taken, 11-15 nukes taken, 16-20 nukes taken, and 20+ nukes taken.
Karma Campaign AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades in IRON during the Karma War. Levels: up to 12m donated, up to 24m donated, up to 36m donated, and over 36m donated.
TPF War Military Compliance Award |
For nations who participated in the TPF War by entering peace mode.
TPF War Award |
For nations who participated in the TPF War.
C&G Campaign Medal |
Awarded to those whom participated in the conflict.
C&G Campaign ZI Medal |
Most nations lost several thousand levels of infrastructure fighting and receiving nukes. Yet a couple nations took much more, sacrificing all their infrastructure to protect their IRON brothers. Such sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
C&G Campaign Nuclear Accolade |
For the IRON members who fought during the C&G Campaign that experienced the full force of a nuclear weapon on the field of battle. Levels: 1-10 nukes taken, 11-20 nukes taken, and over 20 nukes taken.
C&G Campaign AID Medal |
This award as always, is for the IRON members who sent aid to their comrades in IRON during the C&G Campaign. Levels: over 15m donated, over 30m donated, and over 45m donated.
Gracious Donor |
Awarded to those whom Aided Nations when asked via IRC/Skype.
Temporary Uranium Trade Award |
Awarded to both IRON and Allied nations who provide temporary uranium trades to the coalition during battle.
The Grämlins War Medal |
For participating in the Grämlins War (C&G Campaign).
DAWN Appreciation Campaign Medal |
Awarded to DAWN nations fighting Grämlins with IRON.
Minor Campaign Medal |
For participating in minor campaigns and conflicts.
Fer par le Sang Verse |
Given to Cadets that fought five or more wars in the NpO Campaign.
NpO Campaign War Medal |
Awarded to those Nations of the Republic that fought in the NpO Campaign. Levels: Fought in the campaign, fought 10-20 wars, fought more than 20 wars.
NpO Campaign Aid Medal |
Awarded to those Nations of the Republic that gave aid to fellow comrades in need. Levels: 3-6 aid packages, 7-12 aid packages, 13+ aid packages.
NpO Campaign Nuclear Accolade |
Awarded to those Nations of the Republic that had foreign nukes land on their soil. Levels: 1-7 nukes received, 8-14 nukes received, over 15 nukes received.
NpO Campaign ZI Medal |
Most nations lost several thousands of infrastructure fighting and receiving nukes. Yet a couple nations took much more, sacrificing all their infrastructure to protect their IRON brothers. Such sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
NpO Campaign Compliance Medal |
Awarded to those Nations of the Republic Complied with peace mode orders.
NpO Campaign Gracious Donor Medal |
Awarded to those whom Aided Nations when asked via IRC/Skype/PM.
NpO Uranium Procurer Medal |
Awarded to both IRON and Allied nations that provided uranium to the war effort.
LSF War Campaign Medal |
For those nations who engaged an LSF nation in the minor conflict.
Summer 2012 War Campaign Medal |
For those nations who fought in the Name of IRON. Levels: 1-5 wars fought, 6-10 wars fought, 11+ wars fought.
Summer 2012 Nuclear Campaign Medal |
For those IRON nations whose soil was struck with Nuclear weapons. Levels: 1-10 nuke hits, 11-19 nuke hits, 20+ nuke hits.
Summer 2012 Aid Campaign Medal |
For IRON nations who aided their brothers and sisters. Levels: $15m or less aided, $15m-30m aided, $30m+ aided.
Summer 2012 ZI Campaign Medal |
For those nations whose infrastructure was reduced to Zero whilst fighting for IRON.
Equilibrium War Campaign Medal |
For IRON members who fought in the Equilibrium War. Levels: 1-5 wars fought, 6-10 wars fought, 11+ wars fought.
Equilibrium War Aid Medal |
For IRON members who gave aid in the Equilibrium War. Levels: $30-50m in aid, $50-80m in aid, $80m+ in aid.
Equilibrium War Tech Medal |
For IRON members who gave tech in the Equilibrium War. Levels: 50-200 tech, 250-500 tech, 550+ tech.
Equilibrium War Destruction Medal |
For IRON nations who received significant damage in the Equilibrium War. Levels: single ZI or 50% ns loss, 80% ns loss, multiple ZIs or 50% ns losses.
Equilibrium War Nuke Medal |
For IRON members who were hit with nukes in the Equilibrium War. Levels: 1-10 nukes, 11-20 nukes, 21+ nukes.