Cyber Nations Wiki

The Constitution of the Irish Republican Army[]

We the People of the Independent States of Cyber-Nation, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Christian Justice, and defense of our Independent States, hereby establish the Irish Republican Army.

Article One[]

Section One[]

All legislative (law making) powers are given to Congress of the Irish Republican Army, which consists of two branches; the Senate and the House of the Countries.

Section Two[]

The House of Countries shall be composed of members from each country. Each receiving an equal vote. Only this branch shall have the power of Impeachment.

Section Three[]

The Senate shall compose of five States, each with equal votes. The top three states based upon overall score shall be apart of the senate. The other two shall be chosen by the House of Countries.

Section Four[]

All Bills, proposed Amendments, and Declarations of war must be approved by both the House of Countries and Senate.

Section Five[]

Congress is the ONLY branch of government that can declare war. It shall require a super majority (75% or more votes) to declare war upon another alliance. It will require an majority (50% or more) for the alliance to declare a war with an country that is not affiliated with an alliance.

Article Two[]

Section One[]

The executive branch of power is entrusted to the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army. The Grand General of the Irish Republican Army shall be elected by the House of Countries. The term of office is exactly four months. The Grand General of the Irish Republican Army shall appoint an General of the Irish Republican Army.

Section Two[]

The Grand General of the Irish Republican Army and the General of the Irish Republican Army shall NOT serve in the Senate, no matter the overall score of the nation.

Section Three[]

The Grand General may created position as seen need by the Irish Republican Army. Each Position must be approved by both the Senate and the House of Countries.

Section Four[]

The Grand General can VETO any proposed Amendment to this Constitution. To reverse the VETO reqiures a perfect vote (100% of votes).

Section Five[]

All Alliances shall be brokered by the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army and shall be signed only by the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army and the General of Irish Republican Army.

Article Three[]

Section One[]

The Judicial Branch of government is given to the Senate. judicial matters will included ONLY: Issues dealing with breaking the Constitution; Expulsion of Members.

Section Two[]

The Judicial Powers cannot be increased unless by a perfect vote (100% of votes).

Article Four[]

Section One[]

If a member of Senate or the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army is inactive for more than one month, than he will lose his position of power.

Section Two[]

If the Grand General is inactive for one week, his responsibilities will be temporarily given to the General of the Irish Republican Army. If the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army is inactive for one month than the General of the Irish Republican Army shall become the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army. He shall propose his General of the Irish Republican Army, which shall be ratified by the House of Countries.

Section Three[]

In the event that the General of the Irish Republican Army is also inactive, an Intern President shall serve as president until an emergency election is able to be formed. The Intern President shall be the most powerful (by overall score) member of Senate. The Emergency Election must be formed within one (1) week of the event that both the Grand General of the Irish Republican Army and the General of the Republican Army are inactive for one month. If the remaining time for the term is less than two weeks, the general election can be opted out by a vote of the Senate (Excluding the Intern President)

Section Four[]

If a member of Senate is inactive for one month, he shall be replaced by the next most power nation within the Irish Republican Army.

Article Five[]

Section One[]

In the event of a vote, either a general vote in Congress or an General Election, only 50% of the States are required to vote for an election to be considered. The percentages discussed above (75%,50%, etc.) shall be based upon those vote, not the total number of States.

Section Two[]

In order to declare War or Amend the Constitution requires 75% of all the States to be valid. The total percentage shall be based upon the number of active members.

Article Six[]

Section One[]

Until seven Independent States join the Irish Republican Army, the active states shall have an equal vote when deciding policy, declaring war, and all powers given to the judicial and legislative branches. The Intern President shall have the role of the executive, all powers and limitations thereof.
Intern President: buzzboygt of Eagles Landing

Ratified By[]

Eagles Landing:


Signed on April Fourteenth, the year of our LORD Two-Thousand and Eight


Amendment One[]

Ratified May 30, 2008 (Vote: 5-0)
Bill Sponsored by Fullmetalsonic84

Section One[]

The Minister of Waffles shall be a position under the Grand General. The Grand General shall appoint this position.

Section Two[]

The Minister of Waffles shall be the main adviser and leader of all recruitment projects. He shall be under the Grand General and all programs must be approved by him, and Congress if need be. He shall lead all projects of education of new members and can appoint members to fill roles that he see needed to be filled; which shall be approved by the Grand General, General, and Congress.

Section Three[]

Congress hereby establishes the University of the Shire. This University is under the direct leadership of the Minister of Waffles and the Grand General; the Minster of Waffles is the dean of the school, the Grand General is his supervisor. All educators in the school that are members of the alliance are required to approve all classes through the Minister of Waffles or the Grand General. All potential educators outside the alliance must go throughout the Grand General. Participation in the University of the Shire is strictly optional, no fee is given to its lesson, all controversial subjects and opinion based classes (based upon th Minister of Waffles and/or the Grand General)

Amendment Two[]

Ratified on June 25, 2008 (Vote: 5-0)

Section One[]

Lord Spud is expelled from the alliance and shall never enter the IRA again.

Section Two[]

No nation within the IRA shall attack a nation with an alliance or a nation on the red team without an alliance.

Section Three[]

The Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment (D.I.P.) shall maintain these policies. He and the Grand General can negotiate treaties of peace. Treaties of Peace must be approved by Congress.

Section Four[]

Part One[]

Each nation within the IRA shall maintain a surplus of a minimum of $50,000 in order to preserve the alliance economy.

Part Two[]

Exceptions to this rule can be applied for. In order to get an exception permit, one must apply on the IRA forum site. The exception must be approved by the Senate, the Grand General, General, and the Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment.

Section Five[]

Part One[]

If a rouge nation attacks a nation with an alliance or on the red team without an alliance, he will be given a warning message from the Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment, Grand General, or General. He will be required to declare peace and send a message back to the Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment declaring he did so.

Part Two[]

If he does not comply within his next active post, he shall be froze from the alliance (deeming him temporarily removed from the alliance) until a vote of can be taken of whether he shall be expelled. Votes of expulsion shall be taken by the Senate and approved by the Grand General.

Section Six[]

Part One[]

Frozen and Expelled members action are not liable to the IRA. Any nation which is attacked by a member after he has been frozen shall not be liable for reps from the IRA.

Part Two[]

Frozen Members are temporarily not members of the IRA and shall be treaty as non-members.

Part Three[]

The Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment and Grand General of the IRA shall maintain a list of frozen members. This list shall remain public on the IRA forum.

Part Four[]

If a frozen member attacks another alliance, he shall be immediately expelled from the alliance.

Section Seven[]

Part One[]

Any war or proposed Deceleration of War must be sent to the Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment and approved by Congress.

Part Two[]

Any nation which attacks a nation that is not in alliance or on the red team must send a message of notification to the Grand General and the Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment.

Section Eight[]

Part One[]

The Minister of Defense and Internal Punishment is an appointed position which shall be appointed after each election.

Part Two[]

Each and Every Appointed Position shall require a reappointment after an election. fqwqfg
