Cyber Nations Wiki

The party Horatio Longworth belongs to is being called the Horatio Party. Its agenda is that of discrete empire building. They believed they also had the right to control NASA. They believed that they were the most qualified to control it, and they do not want to share power. Horatio Longworth pushed for the elimination of the articles of NASA's constitution that give equal power to the member. He wanted to be given what he calls "emergency power" which would give him total control over NASA.

Since Psamdaclan-Torachea is no longer a member of NASA, the party was forced to look elsewhere to "build the empire that is Torachea". In 3/4/08, the Horatio party gained control over both branches of government.


The current agenda of the Horatio Party is to eventually take an active role as a world power someday after the nation gains power.
