Cyber Nations Wiki


This is a current list of all national holidays known to the people of Aredan.
National holidays by constitutional law are required days off for every citizen in the nation.

Religious Holidays[]

  • Palm Sunday- x
  • Good Friday- x
  • Easter- x
  • Pentecost- x
  • Christmas- December 25th

x These dates are determined by a odd method. Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or following the spring equinox. once this is figured out, Good Friday is the Friday right before Easter, and Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter

Non-Religious Holidays[]

  • New Years Eve- January 1st
  • Valentines Day- February 14th
  • Sovereignty Day- April 15th
  • Veterans Day- May 6th
  • Mother Day- 3rd Sunday of May
  • Fathers Day- 3rd Sunday of June