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The Union of Midway is a country located on Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The history of the Union of Midway is a recent story.


The Union of Midway was founded by Zabuza Hashimoto and a group of people that wished to create a new nation in the pacific after the dissolution of the United States of America. They arrived on Midway and formed a new micronation there, and was the first to do so. It wasn't long before others arrived and formed other micronations nearby. Zabuza proposed a political union between all the micronations, eventually leading to the foundation of the Union of Midway on July 26, 2009. The United Nations recognized the Union of Midway as a nation on August 13th, 2009, becoming the first micronation to gain enough diplomatic recognition to become a nation.

the Yami War[]

Main article: Yami War
Midwayan Army Marching to War

Midwayan soldiers marching off to fight in the Yami War.

Soon after a nation known as The Darkest Empire, a self-declared state in the Pacific ruled as an iron-fist fascist dictatorship, was created through several conquests, a cold war between the Union of Midway and the Darkest Empire ensued. This Cold War is most noted for the huge amount of spies sent by the Darkest Empire into the Union of Midway to attempt to cause internal strife. Most operations failed, and many Midwayan political leaders were convinced that and attack was imminent, and ordered the military to prepare for a defense.

However, the Darkest Empire intercepted this information through their spies, and chose to attack. They sent in their special forces into Aldebaran Harbor through submarines purchased from the black market, and sacked the city of Aldebaran. The Darkest Empire then issued a declaration of war, falsely claiming that Midway had attacked the Darkest Empire, and invaded. The Midwayan military, still in disarray from the Sacking of Aldebaran and inexperienced due to Midway's relatively new status as a nation, was losing battle after battle to the Darkest Empire. After a while, the Union of Midway petitioned the United Nations for support. The UN sent 100,000 peacekeeper troops, and urged and end to hostilities.

The Darkest Empire still made it deep into Midwayan territory. However, economic mismanagement and a overly-strong military caused the Darkest Empire to fall into massive debt. It wasn't long before the nations economy collapsed, allowing Midway to recapture the territory lost to the Darkest Empire. This, combined with the nations economic situation, forced the Darkest Empire to accept a white peace with Midway. The Darkest Empire collapsed as a nation shortly afterwards. The Yami War ended on January 21st, 2010, so that date was chosen to be memorial day in Midway.

Temporary disbandment and Reformation of the Union of Midway[]

The Union of Midway was temporarily disbanded after the Second Union of Midway-Darkest Empire War. The different territories went their separate ways for the longest time all of them still clinging to the old ways of the Union. Eventually the Territory of Aldebaran decided to reform the Union of Midway, the smaller territories agreed to rejoin without a fuss but the major ones remain independent. Nonetheless the Union of Midway was reborn.

Rise of the Totalitarian State[]

Though the Union of Midway started off as a Democracy, the government was switched to a Republic when the people desired, in this time it underwent a large military buildup. This resulted in a effective Rule by the Military, resulting in a new totalitarian state being born. However this totalitarian state maintained the unions belief for freedom. Eventually the position of president was replaced with the position of Emperor. Then the position of Vice President was scrapped and replaced with the position of President.

The Union of Midway was accepted into STOP on February 14.

Jihad War of the United States of JBR[]

Main article: Jihad War of the United States of JBR

The United States of JBR declared war on a terrorist organization known as the Anti-Infidel League of the Islamic Resistance (AIL), and asked STOP signatories to assist them. The Union of Midway declared war on AIL and the National Revolutionary Front (FNR), a terrorist organization in Midway, on March 11, 2011. This made the Union of Midway join the pro-JBRican side of the war.

Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Midwayan Civil War

The Red Front, a paramilitary organization that is part of the Communist Party of Midway was formed on March 21, 2011 by members of the Communist Party of Midway in order to expand the communist ideology. At first, the Red Front fought along side the Union of Midway, however on April 8, 2011, the Red Front declared war on the Union of Midway, starting the Midwayan Civil War. The Red Front attacked Aldebaran, Eastern City, Sand Islet City, and Kure City. They also secured control over a portion of the Far Eastern Territory. On April 9, 2011, the city of Aldebaran was lost to the Red Front which established the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (MSFSR). The United States of JBR declared war on the Red Front and MSFSR. On April 25, 2011, just one day later, the Armistice was signed that brought an end to the war.

Prussian Civil War[]

Main article: Prussian Civil War

The Union of Midway decided to take part in the Prussian Civil War, in order to support its new ally the Prussian Empire. On May 4, 2011, they began Operation Zurückschlagen, and secured control over Quimper, France. The war ended in a victory for Midway, as they succeeded in assisting Prussian forced to victory in the war.

Second Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Second Midwayan Civil War

On May 10, the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic declared war on the Union of Midway and alleged that they violated the Midwayan Armistice. In the series of military conflicts that followed, there were many casualties. The Nuclear bombing of Midway Atoll brought condemnation to the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, and on May 15 the MSFSR was defeated. Midway was reunited, however the Great Pacific War broke out afterwards.

Great Pacific War[]

Main article: Great Pacific War

When the Midwayan Soviet Federaitve Socialist Republic collapsed, the Great Pacific War erupted and Midway began fighting against the United Pacific Aligned Coalition (UPAC). However the nations of Chile and Peru quickly overpowered the United States of JBR, and staged the 2011 United States of JBR coup d'état which put the United States of JBR under UPAC control. Soon afterwards, a number of North Korean spies staged the 2011 Midwayan coup d'état and brought Daniel Bullock back into power. North Korea declared the Democratic People's Republic of Midway as the successor state to the Union of Midway. Many Midwayans did not accept this, and the Union Resistance, which was supposed to disband after the Second Midwayan Civil War, chose not to disband and instead to continue resisting Daniel Bullock. Eventually, they won a major victory at Kure Atoll. On the next day, the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics was created, causing major concern for the Union Resistance. However, on June 15, 2011, the Great Pacific War came to an end and the Union of Midway was restored.

New Dawn[]

The Period that came after the Great Pacific War is often referred to as the New Dawn. The Midwayan government was quickly restored, and the government set up rebuilding and economic recovery programs. These created many new job openings, causing many Great Pacific War refugee's to immigrate into to Midway. This rapid immigration created a population boom, and the population began steadily growing. German became spoken by 10% of the population, the minimum required to be recognized as an official language, and was recognized as an official language.

During this time period the Union of Midway participated with other signatories of the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact in the 2011 STOP Games. The Union of Midway won a total of 5 medals (1 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze).

Midwayan Depression of 2011[]

Main article: Midwayan Depression of 2011

On July 9, 2011, FNR crashed two planes into the Union of Midway Stock Building in the July 9th Attacks. The effects of the attack were devastating within the Union of Midway. Companies which didn't have backups for stocks lost all of their stocks, and after hearing this the people of Midway began selling stocks fearing a depression. This in turn caused the Midwayan Depression of 2011. Companies began laying off employees and reducing the pay of employees in order to conserve money, so many found themselves in debt. Banks stopped loaning money, so many were forced to declare bankruptcy, and many small businesses went out of business. Eventually the economy went on to the road of recovery, due to aid provided by the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact.

Third Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Third Midwayan Civil War

On July 27, a organization based in JBR called Quad framed Midway and many STOP nations for an attack on the United States of JBR. When this hit the headlines, many Midwayan citizens (already upset with the government over the recent depression) formed angry mobs, which grouped based on political ideology. Three major groups of mobs formed, Communist, Nazi, and those who just wanted change. Tensions between these groups rose, and the government attempted to gain control of the situation to no avail. The situation erupted into a civil war when the government, the Nazis, the Communists, and the protesters (organized as the Union Resistance), began fighting in the city of Aldebaran. Eventually Midway was defeated by the Nazis and replaced by the Greater Midwayan Empire, which began a series of wars. The Greater Midwayan Empire was fell after the people of Midway became fed up with the Nazi government after finding out that the Nazis were lying to the people. On August 10, the leader of the Nazi Party and Führer of the Greater Midwayan Empire killed himself, and the Nazi party relinquished control over the government several hours after that, which then disbanded.

Post-Third Civil War[]

After the Third Midwayan Civil War, the newly restored government then began focusing efforts on increasing the political stability of the nation, and to do this many laws were passed. Soon afterwards the element Ubiunium was found on the ocean floor, which opened Midway to a large portion of the international market. The discovery of Ubiunium brought about another wave of immigration, and the founding of the city of New Atlantis, the first city in the world located entirely undersea. While the "Ubiunium fever" was happening, a 10-year-old boy Kuroo Shiratori, ran from Korea into the Midwayan consulate in China. From there he was transported to Aldebaran, and was adopted by the Royal Family of the Union of Midway because they had meet during the Great Pacific War when the Royal Family was abducted by North Koreans and detained in Pyongyang.

Eventually, the Union of Midway was overthrown in the overthrow of the Union of Midway, succeeded by the Provisional Government of Midway. After Bassols Counter-Revolution, the Provisional Government of Midway was replaced by the Republic of Midway, which was subsequently annexed into the United States of JBR.

The local population opposed the annexation, and on October 2, 2011, protests began which resulted in over 15,600 arrests. Eventually a compromise was reached and the Territory of Midway became the State of Midway on October 7, 2011.

The Union of Midway is a country located on Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. The history of the Union of Midway is a recent story.


The Union of Midway was founded by Zabuza Hashimoto and a group of people that wished to create a new nation in the pacific after the dissolution of the United States of America. They arrived on Midway and formed a new micronation there, and was the first to do so. It wasn't long before others arrived and formed other micronations nearby. Zabuza proposed a political union between all the micronations, eventually leading to the foundation of the Union of Midway on July 26, 2009. The United Nations recognized the Union of Midway as a nation on August 13th, 2009, becoming the first micronation to gain enough diplomatic recognition to become a nation.

the Yami War[]

Main article: Yami War
Midwayan Army Marching to War

Midwayan soldiers marching off to fight in the Yami War.

Soon after a nation known as The Darkest Empire, a self-declared state in the Pacific ruled as an iron-fist fascist dictatorship, was created through several conquests, a cold war between the Union of Midway and the Darkest Empire ensued. This Cold War is most noted for the huge amount of spies sent by the Darkest Empire into the Union of Midway to attempt to cause internal strife. Most operations failed, and many Midwayan political leaders were convinced that and attack was imminent, and ordered the military to prepare for a defense.

However, the Darkest Empire intercepted this information through their spies, and chose to attack. They sent in their special forces into Aldebaran Harbor through submarines purchased from the black market, and sacked the city of Aldebaran. The Darkest Empire then issued a declaration of war, falsely claiming that Midway had attacked the Darkest Empire, and invaded. The Midwayan military, still in disarray from the Sacking of Aldebaran and inexperienced due to Midway's relatively new status as a nation, was losing battle after battle to the Darkest Empire. After a while, the Union of Midway petitioned the United Nations for support. The UN sent 100,000 peacekeeper troops, and urged and end to hostilities.

The Darkest Empire still made it deep into Midwayan territory. However, economic mismanagement and a overly-strong military caused the Darkest Empire to fall into massive debt. It wasn't long before the nations economy collapsed, allowing Midway to recapture the territory lost to the Darkest Empire. This, combined with the nations economic situation, forced the Darkest Empire to accept a white peace with Midway. The Darkest Empire collapsed as a nation shortly afterwards. The Yami War ended on January 21st, 2010, so that date was chosen to be memorial day in Midway.

Temporary disbandment and Reformation of the Union of Midway[]

The Union of Midway was temporarily disbanded after the Second Union of Midway-Darkest Empire War. The different territories went their separate ways for the longest time all of them still clinging to the old ways of the Union. Eventually the Territory of Aldebaran decided to reform the Union of Midway, the smaller territories agreed to rejoin without a fuss but the major ones remain independent. Nonetheless the Union of Midway was reborn.

Rise of the Totalitarian State[]

Though the Union of Midway started off as a Democracy, the government was switched to a Republic when the people desired, in this time it underwent a large military buildup. This resulted in a effective Rule by the Military, resulting in a new totalitarian state being born. However this totalitarian state maintained the unions belief for freedom. Eventually the position of president was replaced with the position of Emperor. Then the position of Vice President was scrapped and replaced with the position of President.

The Union of Midway was accepted into STOP on February 14.

Jihad War of the United States of JBR[]

Main article: Jihad War of the United States of JBR

The United States of JBR declared war on a terrorist organization known as the Anti-Infidel League of the Islamic Resistance (AIL), and asked STOP signatories to assist them. The Union of Midway declared war on AIL and the National Revolutionary Front (FNR), a terrorist organization in Midway, on March 11, 2011. This made the Union of Midway join the pro-JBRican side of the war.

Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Midwayan Civil War

The Red Front, a paramilitary organization that is part of the Communist Party of Midway was formed on March 21, 2011 by members of the Communist Party of Midway in order to expand the communist ideology. At first, the Red Front fought along side the Union of Midway, however on April 8, 2011, the Red Front declared war on the Union of Midway, starting the Midwayan Civil War. The Red Front attacked Aldebaran, Eastern City, Sand Islet City, and Kure City. They also secured control over a portion of the Far Eastern Territory. On April 9, 2011, the city of Aldebaran was lost to the Red Front which established the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (MSFSR). The United States of JBR declared war on the Red Front and MSFSR. On April 25, 2011, just one day later, the Armistice was signed that brought an end to the war.

Prussian Civil War[]

Main article: Prussian Civil War

The Union of Midway decided to take part in the Prussian Civil War, in order to support its new ally the Prussian Empire. On May 4, 2011, they began Operation Zurückschlagen, and secured control over Quimper, France. The war ended in a victory for Midway, as they succeeded in assisting Prussian forced to victory in the war.

Second Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Second Midwayan Civil War

On May 10, the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic declared war on the Union of Midway and alleged that they violated the Midwayan Armistice. In the series of military conflicts that followed, there were many casualties. The Nuclear bombing of Midway Atoll brought condemnation to the Midwayan Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, and on May 15 the MSFSR was defeated. Midway was reunited, however the Great Pacific War broke out afterwards.

Great Pacific War[]

Main article: Great Pacific War

When the Midwayan Soviet Federaitve Socialist Republic collapsed, the Great Pacific War erupted and Midway began fighting against the United Pacific Aligned Coalition (UPAC). However the nations of Chile and Peru quickly overpowered the United States of JBR, and staged the 2011 United States of JBR coup d'état which put the United States of JBR under UPAC control. Soon afterwards, a number of North Korean spies staged the 2011 Midwayan coup d'état and brought Daniel Bullock back into power. North Korea declared the Democratic People's Republic of Midway as the successor state to the Union of Midway. Many Midwayans did not accept this, and the Union Resistance, which was supposed to disband after the Second Midwayan Civil War, chose not to disband and instead to continue resisting Daniel Bullock. Eventually, they won a major victory at Kure Atoll. On the next day, the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics was created, causing major concern for the Union Resistance. However, on June 15, 2011, the Great Pacific War came to an end and the Union of Midway was restored.

New Dawn[]

The Period that came after the Great Pacific War is often referred to as the New Dawn. The Midwayan government was quickly restored, and the government set up rebuilding and economic recovery programs. These created many new job openings, causing many Great Pacific War refugee's to immigrate into to Midway. This rapid immigration created a population boom, and the population began steadily growing. German became spoken by 10% of the population, the minimum required to be recognized as an official language, and was recognized as an official language.

During this time period the Union of Midway participated with other signatories of the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact in the 2011 STOP Games. The Union of Midway won a total of 5 medals (1 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze).

Midwayan Depression of 2011[]

Main article: Midwayan Depression of 2011

On July 9, 2011, FNR crashed two planes into the Union of Midway Stock Building in the July 9th Attacks. The effects of the attack were devastating within the Union of Midway. Companies which didn't have backups for stocks lost all of their stocks, and after hearing this the people of Midway began selling stocks fearing a depression. This in turn caused the Midwayan Depression of 2011. Companies began laying off employees and reducing the pay of employees in order to conserve money, so many found themselves in debt. Banks stopped loaning money, so many were forced to declare bankruptcy, and many small businesses went out of business. Eventually the economy went on to the road of recovery, due to aid provided by the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact.

Third Midwayan Civil War[]

Main article: Third Midwayan Civil War

On July 27, a organization based in JBR called Quad framed Midway and many STOP nations for an attack on the United States of JBR. When this hit the headlines, many Midwayan citizens (already upset with the government over the recent depression) formed angry mobs, which grouped based on political ideology. Three major groups of mobs formed, Communist, Nazi, and those who just wanted change. Tensions between these groups rose, and the government attempted to gain control of the situation to no avail. The situation erupted into a civil war when the government, the Nazis, the Communists, and the protesters (organized as the Union Resistance), began fighting in the city of Aldebaran. Eventually Midway was defeated by the Nazis and replaced by the Greater Midwayan Empire, which began a series of wars. The Greater Midwayan Empire was fell after the people of Midway became fed up with the Nazi government after finding out that the Nazis were lying to the people. On August 10, the leader of the Nazi Party and Führer of the Greater Midwayan Empire killed himself, and the Nazi party relinquished control over the government several hours after that, which then disbanded.

Post-Third Civil War[]

After the Third Midwayan Civil War, the newly restored government then began focusing efforts on increasing the political stability of the nation, and to do this many laws were passed. Soon afterwards the element Ubiunium was found on the ocean floor, which opened Midway to a large portion of the international market. The discovery of Ubiunium brought about another wave of immigration, and the founding of the city of New Atlantis, the first city in the world located entirely undersea. While the "Ubiunium fever" was happening, a 10-year-old boy Kuroo Shiratori, ran from Korea into the Midwayan consulate in China. From there he was transported to Aldebaran, and was adopted by the Royal Family of the Union of Midway because they had meet during the Great Pacific War when the Royal Family was abducted by North Koreans and detained in Pyongyang.

Eventually, the Union of Midway was overthrown in the overthrow of the Union of Midway, succeeded by the Provisional Government of Midway. After Bassols Counter-Revolution, the Provisional Government of Midway was replaced by the Republic of Midway, which was subsequently annexed into the United States of JBR.

The local population opposed the annexation, and on October 2, 2011, protests began which resulted in over 15,600 arrests. Eventually a compromise was reached and the Territory of Midway became the State of Midway on October 7, 2011.


After the annexation many Midwayans, while not approving of the JBRican government, decided to abide by the compromise that was made between the JBRican government and Zabuza Hashimoto, who was chosen to represent protesters. Many went about their daily lives, but after the Assassination of Smith Wellington and James Chor became president of JBR, many felt insulted by his inauguration speech. They began protests, which erupted into riots after the Council for the Safety of Midway attempted to sabotage the protests by inciting violence. These riots ended after Theresa Vales II staged a coup d'état and became ruler of JBR. She quickly changed the government of JBR to what is seen by many as a fascist dictatorship, most notably through the implementation of the HONOR Act. Midwayans believed that this was in violation of the compromise which made Midway a state, and the Communist Party of Midway called for a people's war. The first uprising was quickly set down by vales. However, officials from the Communist Party of Midway, Nationalist Party of Midway, Team Drawn Sword and former government of the Union of Midway met and formed the Midwayan People's Army (MPA), starting a second uprising . In the first battle of the uprising, named the Midwayan People's War by the MPA, the city of New Atlantis was captured by rebels. On March 2nd, 2012, the Chinese won the Chinese Invasion of Midway, starting the Chinese occupation of Midway.


After Midway regained it's independence it saw an improvement in living conditions, however the Chinese still had much control over Midwayan politics due to the occupation. After China pulled out all military troops, Midway got involved in the Second Russo-Japanese War and the Korean-Japanese War. The first elected President of the Union of Midway since the end of the became Abdullah Mohamed Malan. Malan began passing controversial legislation immediately, including legislation against left-handed people and a law banning the Swastika.
