Cyber Nations Wiki
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For more information see CN:LEAD
Age of the Divine BovineAge of the BlackbirdAge of the Dragon EmperorAge of the Sword
National Flag

National Flag
Capital City Foradrech
Established 7/6/2008
(5,943 days old)
Alliance New Pacific Order
New Pacific Order
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
NporealignmenticonNpoarmageddoniconNpolosticonNpoisolationiconNporedemptioniconEra of Boldness
Nation Team Team: Red Red
Native Resources Lumber Rubber


Main article: Galered

Galered is a medium sized, mostly developed, and ancient nation with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Judaism. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Galered work diligently to produce Rubber and Lumber as tradable resources for their nation. It is an aggressive country that some say has an itch for war. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. The military of Galered has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Galered allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Galered believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Galered will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.

New Pacific Order[]


I just want to continue to do my all to further Pacifica...

Gandroff applied to the New Pacific Order on Friday, July 11, 2008 and was accepted into the Order on Sunday, July 13, 2008. He was influenced to join by some of his comrades, namely navblue, Klonopin, Brennan, and Jgolla. The New Pacific Order is Gandroff's first and only alliance and he has since become an inspiration to all of his fellow Pacificans.

Some people in the Order that have inspired Gandroff have been navblue, Klonopin, Jgolla, Brennan, and Sumguy because of their drive to do the best job they could and motivation to be a step ahead of others in their work. Gandroff has also had competitions with these people to see who best could perform their jobs. This made Gandroff work harder and go further than he would have had he not met these people.

Other people like Umbrae Noctem and JesseEnd were great role models for Gandroff because they were examples of how to be successful in the Order. Others have inspired him simply by being excellent comrades, including Brehon, Red, and Brennan.

Professions past & present[]

Military Command[]

NPO Milcom

Military Command Career
10/21/2010 - 5/4/2013 NPOgrandmarshal
3/10/2010 - 6/6/2010 NPOcolonel
5/21/2009 - 3/10/2010 NPOzetalt
3/30/2009 - 5/21/2009 NPOmilitarynco

Military Command are the people who organise the NPO's war and military efforts, leading NPO Battalions into war, and preparing its defenses against any threat that rises. Battalion NCOs and Lieutenants are soldier's first point of contact within the military when a situation arises. Lieutenants and NCOs are there for a reason - to lead and help members. Above the Lieutenants and NCOs sit the Colonels, and one step above them is the General of the Pacific Army, he last step in the chain of command (named "High Command") before the Imperial Officers of Military Affairs.

Praetorian Guard[]

NPO Pret

Praetorian Guard Career
10/21/2010 - 5/4/2013 NPOprefect
6/3/2010 - 10/24/2010 NPOprefect1
10/12/2009 - 6/3/2010 NPOcenturion
9/22/2008 - 10/12/2009 NPOpraetorian

The Praetorian Guard's purpose is to protect the Order and the Pacifican way of life. To that end, they work to expose impostors, run counterintelligence and counter terrorism operations and ferret out hostile spies and plotters. The specific duties of the Praetorian Guard are constantly changing to meet the evolving needs of the Order.

Gandroff is the Imperial Oversight Prefect of the Praetorian Guard. His responsibility is to make sure the day to day running of the Praetorian Guard run smoothly and efficiently. He also makes sure the Praetorian Guard is always prepared to keep Pacifica safe.

Gandroff has worked very hard to earn this rank and has spent close to two years in the Praetorian Guard. He first was picked for his outstanding job of Ghost Busting and made a Praetorian on September 22, 2008. Then on October 12, 2009, for his hard work, dedication, and always going beyond the call of duty, he was made a Centurion. After continued hard work and after the resignation of Zeta Defender, Gandroff was made High Command Prefect of the Praetorian Guard on June 3, 2010. Finally, Gandroff was made Imperial Oversight Prefect of the Praetorian Guard on October 21, 2010.

Imperial Academy[]


Imperial Academy Career
12/10/2009 - 5/4/2013 NPO-AcaSM
5/24/2009 - 12/10/2009 NPODean
4/7/2009 - 5/24/2009 NPOassistantschoolmaster
11/19/2008 - 4/7/2009 Instructor

The Imperial Academy is an institution that has the final say on which recruits may enter the alliance and which recruits may not. The Academy is where recruits study on everything that has to do with the Order, from Francoism to our Emperor Cortath and when recruits feel ready they will then take an exam where all that they have learned will be tested to the limit. The recruits are only fully accepted as members of the Order when they pass the said exam.

Gandroff is the current Schoolmaster of the Imperial Academy. As Schoolmaster he is responsible for overseeing the Academy as a whole and is tasked with handling policy and staff.

Past Departments[]

Military Intelligence[]


Military Intel. Career
7/8/2009 - 10/24/2010 Cryptographer tag
5/30/2009 - 7/8/2009 Seniorfieldagent
2/28/2009 - 5/30/2009 NPOfieldagent

The goal of the Military Intelligence directorate is to keep an eye on the events and actions in the cyberverse to identify, locate and assess situations that could potentially compromise the security of the New Pacific Order and the safety of her members. The growing number of alliances, rogues, and groups that wished to harmed the New Pacific Order prompted it to be created.The ultimate goal of the Military Intel department is to keep the New Pacific Order from harm. The day to day duties of the Military Intel require the maintenance and input of information into information systems to allow MilCom and other leadership to make quick and timely decisions based upon current and future threats and situations.

Diplomatic Corps[]

NPO DiploCorp

Diplomatic Corps Career
10/23/2008 - 4/9/2009 NPOAmbassador

The Diplomatic Corps is renowned the world over for establishing solid friendships and allies, the Imperial Ambassadors of the New Pacific Order Diplomatic Corps travel the Cyberverse to build and maintain relationships with the hundreds of different alliances all over the world. Representing the NPO alliance and spreading the light of Pacifica's culture.

Tech Corps[]

NPO tech

Tech Corps Career
2/9/2009 - 11/29/2010 NPOmanager
11/5/2008 - 2/9/2009 NPOdispatcher
7/26/2008 - 11/29/2010 NPOprocurer

The Technology Corps, or Tech Corps for short, has seen many different phases since its inception in 2007. However, its mission statement has always been the same: “To provide much needed technology at the lowest cost possible”. To accomplish this, The Order has gathered a talented group of members, to head a department that has moved over 170,000 units of technology.

Media Corps[]

NPO Media

Media Corps Career
7/19/2009 - 9/3/2009 Wiki Author

Master propagandists all, the members of the Media Corps are responsible for the signatures, avatars and video you see, as well as speeches, message development and public relations. The Media Corps is divided into four sections, the Graphics Division, the Writing Division, the Broadcasting Division, aka. Radio Free Pacifica, and the Wiki Division. All of these divisions work together to spread the news and interesting information to all of Francograd and the Cybernations Community as well.

Gandroff joined the Wiki Division of the Media Corps on July 19, 2009.

The Wiki division is coordinated by Melisande and is tasked with maintaining the wiki for the New Pacific Order and all associated pages, which include templates and members. Wiki began as a section in the Culture Corp, before finding a home in ACE, then later being transferred to SCS. When it moved to Media, it was originally a sub section of writing, but later wiki was allowed to become the fourth branch of Media in October 2009.

Gandroff has made Special:Editcount/User:Gandroff edits on the Cyber Nations Wiki.



Twenty-Sixth New Council April 2009
Twenty-Seventh New Council May 2009
Fifth Redux Council October 2009
Sixth Redux Council Nov 2009
First Revolutionary Council Dec 2009
Second Revolutionary Council Jan 2010
Third Revolutionary Council Feb 2010
Fourth Revolutionary Council March 2010

The primary purpose of the Council Pacifica was to represent the Body Republic of the Order. This is talking to and building relationships with their fellow Comrades. This is listening to the questions, concerns, and ideas of everyday Pacificans as well as those in authority, and addressing those appropriately, whether it be as simple as explaining how to do something on IRC, or taling to the Emperor about a potential problem. While the Council cannot execute change itself, it is an important pipeline through which ideas for the improvement of the Order flow, including changes thought of by the Council itself; thus, it has just as big an effect as those who actually implement the changes.


Award Name Description
Intel DAM
Directors Achievement Monthly Award
For excellent work in Military Intelligence
Intel Aid
Military Intelligence Weekly Award
Award from work in Military Intelligence
Intel Alli
Military Intelligence Weekly Award
Award from work in Military Intelligence
Intel OpenIntel
Military Intelligence Weekly Award
Award from work in Military Intelligence
Intel watch
Military Intelligence Weekly Award
Award from work in Military Intelligence
Intel War
Military Intelligence Weekly Award
Award from work in Military Intelligence
Cryptographer Monthly Award
Awarded for having an excellent drive, determination and initiative in Military Intelligence
Military Intelligence Service Award
Awarded for 12 months or more of service in Military Intelligence
Praetorian Guard Service Award
Awarded for 1 year and 9 months of service in the Praetorian Guard
Distinguished Managers Award
Distinguished Managers Award
Awarded for excellence in the Tech Corp Manager position.
Armageddon proc award
Armageddon Procurer Award
Awarded for procurers sending tech out under great duress during the Armageddon War.
Order of Pacifica Medal
Order of Pacifica Medal
Awarded for Gandroff's dedication and consistently hard work within all Military Affairs departments.
Academy 2 Years of Service Award
Awarded for serving 2 consecutive years in the Academy of the New Pacific Order

Ribbon Bar[]

Gandroff's NPO War Ribbon Bar

FAN2 · BDC · CIS · Mk1lw8
Jarheadswarribbon · Armageddon · Dhribbon6 · GrudgeWar
NPO Tropic Thunder

