First Four-Week Plan[]
- Increase the technology rate by 250 tech.
- Increase infrastructure by 600.
- Establish more missile systems in the nation.
- Address population density issues of the DDR.
- Create and promote the New Pacific Order Solidarity Plan.
- Income per week: $79,000,000
- Government Expenses per week: $42,000,000
- Budget per week: $37,000,000
- Technology investment per week: $1,500,000 (Will be used in the second and fourth week of the plan)
- Infrastructure investment per week: $27,000,000
- Military investment per week: $500,000
- NPO Solidarity Plan per week: $3,000,000
- Population Density investment per week: $5,000,000
- Total Income: $316,000,000
- Total Government Expenses: $168,000,000
- Total Budget: $148,000,000
- Total Technology investment: $6,000,000 (Will be used in the second and fourth week of the plan)
- Total Infrastructure investment: $108,000,000
- Total Military investment: $2,000,000
- Total NPO Solidarity Plan: $12,000,000
- Total Population Density investment: $20,000,000
Week One[]
Infrastructure Purchased: 40
Technology Purchased: 0
Military Purchased: 7 Cruise Missiles, $105,000
Land Purchased: 0
New Pacific Order Solidarity Plan: $0
Further records of the First Four Week Plan were not able to be saved.
Second Four-Week Plan[]
- Increase the technology rate by 150 tech.
- Increase infrastructure by 750.
- Income per week: $150,500,000
- Government Expenses per week: $87,500,000
- Budget per week: $63,000,000
- Technology investment per week: $9,000,000
- Infrastructure investment per week: $54,000,000
- Total Income: $602,000,000
- Total Government Expenses: $350,000,000
- Total Budget: 297,000,000
- Total Technology investment: $27,000,000
- Total Infrastructure investment: $216,000,000
Week One[]
Technology Purchased: 60 - $8,980,000
Infrastructure Purchased: 350 - $52,860,000
Week Two[]
Technology Purchased: 20 - $4.400,000
Infrastructure Purchased: 150 - $54,000,000
Week Three[]
Technology Purchased: 0 - 0
Infrastructure Purchased: 100 - $36,000,000
Week Four[]
Technology Purchased: 50 - $11,200,000
Infrastructure Purchased: 150 $60,000,000