Cyber Nations Wiki

The foreign relations of the Union of Midway are the relations of the Union of Midway with other governments in the world. The Midway's most important relationship is with member states of the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact, though it maintains relations with other nations around the world.


United States of JBR[]

United States of JBR
JBR Flag
de jure flag of JBR
Capital: JBR City
  • JBRican Ambassador to the Union of Midway: Tiffany Charleston
  • Union of Midway Ambassador to the United States of JBR: Heinrich Göring

The Union of Midway and United States of JBR established formal diplomatic relations prior to the Union of Midway's acceptance into STOP. Leaders have organized for a sister-city organization similar to Project CityConnect known as Sister Cities Association (SCA). Embassies have also been build in the respective capitals of each nation.

Prussian Empire[]

Prussian Empire
Flag of the Prussian Empire
Capital: Quarthe
  • Prussian Ambassador to the Union of Midway: Günther Hoener
  • Union of Midway Ambassador to the Prussia: Michal Kundera

Relations between the Union of Midway and the Prussian Empire began on April 28, 2011, after the Prussian Empire signed the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact. The two nations quickly became close, with Midway providing military aid for Prussia in its Civil War.

United Republic of Ireland[]

United Republic of Ireland
Ie 1798b
Flag of Ireland
Capital: Dublin

Relations between the United Republic of Ireland and the Union of Midway became warmer when Ireland signed the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact, and the two nations quickly became close. However, Ireland withdrew diplomatic recognition of the Union of Midway and closed all diplomatic relations following the overthrow of the Union of Midway. Following the Fourth World War, Ireland recognized the CSMW lead Republic of Midway as the legitimate governing authority over Midway, severely damaging relations between the two nations. Following the restoration of the Union of Midway, Ireland refused to recognize the Union of Midway as a nation, calling Midway a failed state. Ireland also refuses to recognize Midwayan refugees as refugees, and instead considers them illegal immigrants.

Nation-Level Blocs[]

Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact[]

The Union of Midway became a member of the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact (STOP) on February 14th, 2011. This has led to the leadership of the Union of Midway to put a lot of effort into improving relations with other signatory nations of STOP.

More on STOP: Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact


See also: Treaties of the League of Small Superpowers (article may be outdated)
