Cyber Nations Wiki
AK Users
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National Flag
Capital City Sanhsia
Established 5/11/2009
(5,457 days old)
Alliance Regnum Invictorum
Regnum Invictorum
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Since 04/09/2010 (5,124 days)
Nation Team Team: Purple Purple

Inception to CN and Early Alliances[]

Nicktheww2fanatic started his first nation sometime in July 2007. Immediately upon the creation of his nation, he joined Atlantis. On January 8, 2008 he was promoted to Deputy Minister of Trade. On January 22, he was appointed Diplomat to the, then small, alliance UPN. He retained both of these positions until the disbandment of Atlantis on March 17, 2008. Nicktheww2fanatic fought in the Unjust War for Atlantis, serving in one of Atlantis' Front-Line Battalions.

Upon the disbandment of Atlantis following the Unjust War, he joined TPF, and worked in the Finance Department until he decided to quit the game shortly after.

On January 21, Timitz convinced him to reroll, under the same ruler and nation name, and run the Regency of Trade at Meritokrati. He served as the Regent of Trade until April 1, when Meritokrati merged into Invicta.


On April 1, Invicta started a new Ministry, the Ministry of Trade. Nicktheww2fanatic was selected as the Minister of Trade where he has served until his recent move to Minister of War. As Minister of War Nicktheww2fanatic organizes Invicta's military in both war and peace. Nick is happy in his current position.

Awards Won[]

My Ribbon Rack
Defender · KarmaNoNuke · InvictaDealer · InvictaGovt · PeerofInvicta
Red Star of Invicta