Cyber Nations Wiki

Ministry of Defence looks after the defence of the EUFN alliance. It will discuss about declaring wars and can urge the President and or Prime Minister to declare or not to declare war. Although the head of state aka President will have the final say. If the MoD dont like it they bring the case to the council and if they decided against the President then they can overule me and the Prime Minister to which a snap elections take place. Also in more simple way about the increase of the power, if the President and or the Prime Minister want the EUFN as a whole go to war then they need the backing of the MoD.

The MoD is led by the President.

Roles within the Ministry of Defence[]

, he/she have the final say to send the whole alliance to war and is the one who would negotiate with the opponent.

War Minister
War minister is a mid-ranking position who's job is if EUFN are at war and to keep official records of everything that happens and to decide war tactics.

The role of War Minister as of October 18th 2008 will be temparly dissolved untill further notice.

Deputy War Minister
is the person who shall be Acting War Minister if the current War Minister is unable to act out his duty.

Field Marshal
is the person who orders EUFN members to attack which nation. This person would have good knowledge of what nation should be attacked based upon their stats and urge EUFN members of slighter bigger stats or near to attack that enemy nation.


The MoD was created on the 1st June 2008 as the replacement of the former EUFN High Command.

TUF-EUFN War and dissolvement[]

During the war in October 2008, the MoD was dissolved for the duration of the war as two members was casualties and former war minister Booze was discharged for starting the war. The role of War Minister from 18th of October 2008 would no longer exist for the time being.


Between October 18th 2008 to November 3rd 2008 the Ministry of Defence had been dissolved due to war, however a reform proposal brought the MoD back.

Reform proposal[]

On the 2nd of November 2008, President Dope proposed a Reform Bill for the MoD changing the face of the MoD.

Return of War Minister[]

It was announched in December 2008 that the role of war minister will return in the next government on 1st Januray 2009.

See also[]

EUFN High Command
