Cyber Nations Wiki
Doom Squad
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DS Official Flag

DS Official Flag
DS Motto: Will nuke raiders.
Team Color Black team Black
Founder(s) Last187, Gh0s7, Generalchow, Lord Hershey.
Founded 30 September 2013
  • The Anointed Lord Hershey
Other Officials
  • Hersh v2.1 Hershicus
  • Flagship of Doom Squad Highroad
  • Viceroy of PGS Blamange
AllianceStats Statistics as of 9/9/2023
Strength 1,841,416
Avg. Strength 80,062
Nukes 379
Aid Efficiency 137 / 137 (100.00%)
Score 9.48

Doom Squad (DS) is a black alliance founded on September 30, 2013 by Last187, Gh0s7, Generalchow and Lord Hershey. It was refounded by Lord Hershey on December 1st, 2020.


Doom Squad was founded on September 30th, 2013 by Last187, Generalchow, Lord Hershey, and Gh0s7 who were looking to have fun but also build nations efficiently. Shortly after, more friends came over to form Doom Squad. Doom Squad is a small band of brothers and sisters focused primarily on quality over quantity. Doom Squad reserves the right to use first strike policy and will nuke raiders.

Government Structure[]


The Anointed is the leader of the Doom alliance.

Doom Council Advisor[]

The Doom Council Advisor is an individual with great experience and knowledge of the game. A Doom Advisor's opinion is greatly respected throughout the alliance and is a mentor to many affiliates. Doom Advisor bears responsibility of all vacated positions. There can be more than one Doom Advisor.

Immigration Laws[]

To gain admission into Doom Squad, all recruits must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be in no offensive wars.
  2. Technology Clause: You must have less than 60k tech.
  3. Nation Strength Clause: You must have less than 250k NS.
  4. Activity Clause: You must be Discord or in-game active.
  5. Tywin Lannister Clause: You must not be a complete tool.

War Policy[]

A state of war, or declaration of peace, may only be signed upon unanimous agreement between the Anointed and the Doom Council.

Nuclear Weapons Policy[]

Doom Squad reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in a first-strike capability.

International Relations[]

Significant Black Team Alliances
CurrentCLAWSDoom WolvesDOOMBIRD DOOMCAVEDoom SquadThe Dark TemplarThe Order of the Black RoseSparta
Defunct\m/(2)57th(2)AeonAnathemaApocalypseAppACDC(1)ACDC(2)ACIDAzNAsgaardBMBioBDCBDBHBACoNBrainCombineCoRCB(1)CB(2)CISDCDarkfallDFDEDNFElementEtherFEBFISTFoB(1)FUCNFCCGOONS(1)GothamHoGHonourHoLIngSocIRANItovaIunctusJLAKrynnLCNLUALegio X[m]MafiaMERCMOCRMFONCAAbbsNemesisNNKo7ObsidianOMGODKOSAOTParaguasPCPEPrototypeTCITGE(2)OTRRavynsTRFtRTRTSATYR(2)TUR-SE-SoNSymphonyTriCom(1)TriCom(2)TroyUberconUBNXIIIBWFoB(2)MLAOAlpha WolvesGOONS(2)LoSSMenotahMOPAXRDSTEENIII%Umbrella
See alsoDefunct: BPIDCGoonland Security ActNOIRDark Vows
Currently sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Italicized Font. Formerly sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Font.

Treaties of Doom Squad
Treaty / Bloc Type Treaty Partner(s) Status Signed
DBDC-DS ODoAP treaty ODoAP Dbdc DOOMBIRD DOOMCAVE Active [Source?]
DT-DBDC-DS Undisclosed DarkTemplarFlag Dark Templar
Active 23rd February, 2014
Lord Hershey Bot Knows All ODoAP [[File:Invalid parameter|30px|border]] CLAWS
27th April, 2021

International conflicts[]

War History of Doom Squad
Conflict Opponents Outcome
DBDC-Pax Corvus Conflict Pax Corvus White Peace
Doom War Invicta, New Polar Order, Farkistan, Alpha Wolves, Supernova X Victory[white peace]

See also[]

Significant Black Team Alliances
CurrentCLAWSDoom WolvesDOOMBIRD DOOMCAVEDoom SquadThe Dark TemplarThe Order of the Black RoseSparta
Defunct\m/(2)57th(2)AeonAnathemaApocalypseAppACDC(1)ACDC(2)ACIDAzNAsgaardBMBioBDCBDBHBACoNBrainCombineCoRCB(1)CB(2)CISDCDarkfallDFDEDNFElementEtherFEBFISTFoB(1)FUCNFCCGOONS(1)GothamHoGHonourHoLIngSocIRANItovaIunctusJLAKrynnLCNLUALegio X[m]MafiaMERCMOCRMFONCAAbbsNemesisNNKo7ObsidianOMGODKOSAOTParaguasPCPEPrototypeTCITGE(2)OTRRavynsTRFtRTRTSATYR(2)TUR-SE-SoNSymphonyTriCom(1)TriCom(2)TroyUberconUBNXIIIBWFoB(2)MLAOAlpha WolvesGOONS(2)LoSSMenotahMOPAXRDSTEENIII%Umbrella
See alsoDefunct: BPIDCGoonland Security ActNOIRDark Vows
Currently sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Italicized Font. Formerly sanctioned alliances are denoted by Bold Font.