War Casualties[]
•Gallilei Casualties: 161,733 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 126,389
•Tanks: 7,241(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 78(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 8(3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 0
•Infrastructure: 620
•Technology: 74
•Citizens: 6,200
•Republic of Akatra Casualties: 294,428 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 219,360
•Tanks: 17,092(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 50(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 0(3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 0
•Infrastructure: 660
•Technology: 79
•Citizens: 6,600
•Cutty Sark: 2,440 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 0
•Tanks: 0(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 0(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 0(3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 0
•Infrastructure: 244
•Technology: 24.25
•Citizens: 2,440
•Bertollopia: 316,078 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 238,970
•Tanks: 18,572(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 103(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 38(3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 0
•Infrastructure: 350
•Technology: 73
•Citizens: 2,500
•DDR Casualties: 637,444 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 437,104
•Tanks: 49,039(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 187(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 20 (3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 1
•Infrastructure: 375
•Technology: 66
•Citizens: 3,750
•Total Casualties: 1,412,123 Military Personnel and Citizens
•Infantry: 1,021,823
•Tanks: 91,944(4 Personnel per Tank)
•Fighter Jets: 418(2 Personnel per Jet)
•Bombers: 66(3 Personnel per Bomber)
•Cruise Missiles: 1
•Infrastructure: 2,149
•Technology: 316.25
•Citizens: 21,490