Cyber Nations Wiki

This is barely, if at all, more than spam, and has been a mess since the day it was formed. It's certainly not got enough content to be considered encyclopedic in nature. Repeated efforts to clean it up have only led to repeated efforts by the page founder and subject to try to violate and/or bend CN Wiki guidelines to make it as spam-like as possible. The Cyber Nations Wiki is not a personal website. Nominating for deletion. Michael von Preußen  voicemail • nation  @ 0:70, Sextidi, 16 Germinal CCXVIII

Agreed. Doesn't look very good and the only real content is "LJ Scott is a Triumvir of Umbrella," which is already listed on Umbrella's page. Bobogoobo - Talk - Nation  21:58, Sunday, 4 April 2010 (ET)
Agreed for the same reasons above.  Pikachurin   Talk • Contribs   22:28, Sunday, 4 April 2010 (ET)
Redirected to Umbrella. Michael von Preußen  voicemail • nation  @ 0:39, Tridi, 23 Germinal CCXVIII