Cyber Nations Wiki
Merge sign Merge notice
This alliance merged to become part of Fallen Knights.

Merger occurred on/around 22nd June 2009

The Coalition of Defensive Nations is an alliance based on the protection and welfare of it's members. The Coalition is a Defensive alliance at all times and will only attack a nation in defense of itself and it's allies. The Coalition does not remove any persons rights to freedom of Speech and religion.

History of the CDN[]

The CDN was founded when the Central Defense Corps Disbanded on May 16th 2009. The Assistant Director, Bomberboy took over a few members to help start the alliance. These people are known as the Founding Officers of the CDN (explained in More detail later on) .


The Charter of The CDN

The Oath[]

every new member must sign an oath of allegiance to the CDN and the Commanding Officers. This is performed on the application process of joining the Coalition.

OATH: I (state your name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to The CDN. And that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend the Coalition. I will observe and obey all orders of the General, and officers set over me.

Service Medals and Awards[]

Awards and medals appear here once decided upon.

Outstanding Leadership Award - The OL Ribbon is awarded to members who have lead members into battle extremely well or looked after the alliance for a certain period of time and have expressed their own ideas to the rest of the alliance.

Other information and Links[]

IRC Channel = #CDN on Coldfront.Net

Forums =
