- Nations by alliance
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- Nations by team
- Factbooks - Categories devoted to particular nations
Robertography Portal | Main Page | Nations | Teams | Alliances | Alliance Groups |
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All items (3552)
- Waldo (1st)
- Walt Schmidt
- Waltar
- Waltoria
- User:Warmongrel
- Warptown
- Waterana
- Weasaliastanica
- Weisslandia
- Wellow (Defunct)
- Wentworth
- Werbistan
- Werstandfreiland
- Western Territory
- Whatthefunk
- WhiteGoodman
- Wighton
- Wilhelm von Berlin
- User:Willam the conquerer
- Willinois
- Within The Room
- Wootville
- WorldConqueror
- Wrightopia
- Wydopia
- Wyfind
- Z'ha'dum
- User:Zach81111
- Zagon
- Zahir
- Zangar
- Zanzibar Land
- Zarqa
- Zblueblur0
- Zeman
- Zeta Defender
- Zhihao
- Zhongnanhai
- Zikawe
- Zingaran State
- Ziperia
- Zircadia
- ZoufitzMushi
- Zuid-Oost Afrika