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Camerontech is the leader of Camerontech and was an admin of the United Sovereign Nations Alliance Council. He hade held the title since December 2007. Before being in the alliance council he was the Commanding Officer for the USN military, for several months Camerontech was the Security General and Military Marshal of USN, by holding the two highest ranking jobs in the USN military he had a powerful voice in the government in representing the alliance on the world stage. He used to be a senator in his early days with the alliance and has been ambassador to several alliances. He joined the USN through CKA, like many other USN nations. He has been involved in several wars regarding USN's defense since he has been a member of the and has been nuked several times by nuclear rogue nations and enemies of the state, one of those instances includes the more recent FUK wars. Cam has developed long standing relationships with several key alliance members and alliance leaders during his tenure with USN and hopes to continue keeping close ties with people he works with.

During a brief departure from United Sovereign Nations, he joined the peaceful alliance of The Phoenix Collective and then the warmongering alliance of \m/. After sharpening his military skills and diplomatic abilities he returned to USN and became the Marshall of the Armies, when the next elections came around he ran for the position of Security General and was easily victorious. While GUARD was a major power in CN he was on the war council, Camerontech continues his diplomatic and military tradition by being involved in alliance and inter-alliance affairs as they arise. Through thick and thin he will remain true to his alliance and its members.

Long live USN,
