Cyber Nations Wiki
"Ninja's Military Minister"
Capital City Durham
Demonym Bibsnerians
Established 10 August 2008
(6,034 days old)
Government Type Federal Government Federal Government
Ruler J Bibbs
Alliance Sengoku
AllianceStatsIcon rankingsWorldIcon warIcon aidIcon spy
Nation Team Team: Pink Pink
Religion Shinto Shinto
Currency Dollar Dollar
Native Resources Marble Aluminum
Connected Resources Iron Lumber Furs Gems Gold Silver Spices Sugar Wheat Wine
Bonus Resources Construction
J Bibbs

Director of Team Security
Assumed office
March 9, 2009
Preceded by bulley


On August 10, 2008, Bibsneria was founded by J Bibbs, who became a member of the Basketball Ninjas. On May 2009, J Bibbs and the rest of the Basketball Ninjas front office founded the BN Academy.

Minister of Military[]

On March 9, 2009, existing Basketball Ninjas Minister of Military J Bibbs was re-joined by Bulleytopia Ruler bulley. True to Basketball Ninjas cultural tradition the position is dubbed Director of Team Security.

The Basketball Ninjas[]

Main article: Basketball Ninjas

The Basketball Ninjas are a small, peaceful, invitation only organisation of basketball playing nations founded by Jack Shepard and Hannah Montana. The players chiefly wear Pink. The 'Ninja' is the recognised team mascot of the Basketball Ninjas organisation. The Basketball Ninjas are a peaceful organisation who prepares themselves to counter offensive plays from opposing players.

The BN Academy[]

Main article: BN Academy

The BN Academy is the developmental team of the Basketball Ninjas founded by J Bibbs and the rest of the Basketball Ninjas front office.


Main article: Sengoku

Bibsneria joined a new alliance called Sengoku in late November 2012. Sengoku is a small alliance that was founded by friends who were former allies of Basketball Ninjas, primarily from OMFG and TIO.
